Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every StickiesStickies are like Post-it notes for the Mac. Good stuff. Microsoft liked it so much that they added it to Windows -- stealing the idea (for Virtual Stickes) from Apple, and the name "Stickies" from 3M -- which got them into an lawsuit over the name. Ooops! Antler!In all versions of stickies, there has been an Egg.
You will then see the picture of a Moose with "Antler Notes" super imposed: Make sure you type "Antler!" right after you create a new note. If anything else has been written previously or if there is any editing done, it will not work. Can you guess who created it? Dead BeefUsing ResEdit, if you open up the WDEF resource and open ID #128, it says "DEAD BEEF" in Hexadecimal. Since most aren't used to seeing Hex as anything other than jumbled garbage (numbers and letters) it is pleasant to find something readable -- at least it could be. Basically this trick is similar to spelling out "hello" on a calculator by entering 01134 and turning the calculator upside-down -- it doesn't mean what you think it means -- but it is neat anyway.