

Contact Information:
<[email protected]>
I'm the MacSightings guy.
Web Designer for a minority-owned, Dallas-based
visual communications firm called Imaginuity.
Born 9/22/79, living in a suburb of Dallas, Texas called
- Sports:
- Watching: I'm a huge fan of most sports.
I'm a big Green Bay Packers fan, a big Texas Rangers
fan, a big Atlanta Braves fan, a big Houston Astros
fan, but most of all I am a huge Washington Capitals
fan. I also love NASCAR racing and, well, anything
- Playing: Yeah right... :-)
- Movies:
- Blues Brothers and Blues Brothers 2000 --
Classic films.
- Anything with Bill Murray, John Candy, Steve
Martin, Robin Williams, Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee
Jones, Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery in it (including
Groundhog Day, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, The
Jerk, Good Morning Vietnam, The Fugitive, U.S.
Marshals, The Rock, Hunt for Red October
- James Bond Movies -- Sure they are cheesy,
but sometimes you just need to watch a good action
movie...or two...or three...
- TV-Shows:
- ESPN Sportscenter --The best sports, the
best commentary. Fox Sports News will never ever ever
compare to it.
- The Simpsons--I know everything about every
episode. Downright hilarious. :-)
- Musicians:
- Blues Traveler--Still probably the greatest
band of all time. An incredible mix of blues, rock,
and pop.
- Anything--I'll listen to just about
anything--pop, blues, rock, metal, classical...except
country, a bit ironic seeing as how I live in
- Books / Authors:
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Forget
Steven King; this is the scariest book ever. It
portrays a dim view of society in the future. The more
you read it, the more plausible it becomes...and the
scarier it gets. It's a hard book to explain unless
you read it.
- Anything by Tom Clancy. I've read every book he's
ever written (or collaborated on), except for the
non-fiction books which I haven't gotten around to
- Anything by John Grisham, Michael Crichton, Larry
Bond, Harold Coyle or Stephen Coonts.
Political persuasion
Moderate Something-or-other, like most
wandering, uncaring Gen-Xers, I would vote moderate
straight-ticket if there were such a thing. I believe
party lines are becoming antiquated and I believe that in
the near future, that line will become indistinctive and
blurred. Like David, I don't particularly care for Bill
Clinton. I am, however, on the George W. Bush bandwagon
for 2000. I believe this more than most because I have
seen first-hand what George W. Bush has done for the
state of Texas.
I've grown up in the big city my entire life. I
was born and raised in Dallas, but lived briefly in
Washington, D.C.; that's where I picked up my love for
the Capitals. I briefly attended Texas A&M University in
College Station, Texas and now (again) live in Dallas.
At age 3 I was already using computers. My dad had an
IBM Kaypro word processor and a TI-?? (it was a while ago
:-) that ran BASIC programs. At age 5 my dad bought the
first Mac 128K. I played with MacPaint and MacWrite 24/7.
We got it upgraded to a Mac Plus in 1986. In 1990 I got a
Mac LC and I actually witnessed a Mac in color for the
first time. In 1993 I got a Quadra 610 and was *amazed*
by the power. :-) Currently I have a PowerMac 5260/100
that was outmoded the second it came out of the box.
I've never been too much interested in things beyond
computers. I'd always been interested in computers, but
never in actually writing things for computers (i.e. not
a programmer). I guess that's how I got interested in the
web. I've always been better suited for designing instead
of creating.
I'm also probably the complete opposite of David,
because where he is really opinionated about things, I'm
pretty much the opposite, because I don't feel strongly
about much: my faith in God, the Macintosh computer, the
Washington Capitals, etc.