Dojo (HowTo)
Copyright © 1989-98 David K. Every. Articles written by David K. Every are copyrighted by David K. Every. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission is prohibited (with exclusions as follow). Redistribution Articles may be redistributed provided that the following conditions are met: OthersArticles written by other individuals, and published on this site, may or may not be copyrighted by those individuals. Copyrighted articles will be labeled as such. SubmissionsArticles submitted and published on MacKiDo gives David K. Every permission to use, reprint and publish compilations of that work for use with the MacKiDo website and printed publications deriving from the MacKiDo website (given that the authors name and copyright notice, remain clearly visible in that work). All other copyrights remain with the respective authors.