Dojo (HowTo)
There are some people who are translating articles into foreign languages. (Well they're foreign to me). I really appreciate this work, and hope that it helps to educate those in those many other nations. There have been many speakers of other languages who have translated articles in the past (for a user group, paper, etc.). I remember a few French, Italian, Russian, Polish, German, Chinese and Japanese articles... I even remember someone talking about translating to Australian (not to mention a few spelling corrections that included a 'u' in words like color). I would love it if they (or others) could send me copies so that I can include those translations on MacKiDo-- and will of course give credit for the translations (and for the help). I am willing to allow foreign mirrors and reprints (with permission) as long as we cross link and can give proper credit (both ways) -- I hope other-nations user groups will have the some interest in this. I only read English, and a dozen different computer languages, so I can't exactly proof these other articles or guarantee the quality. So hopefully others who are bilingual will give me "hints" if I post an article that says something like, "David Every lays down with sheep" or other little bits of unwarranted humor -- but I figure that most people out there are sincere, so I doubt there is much to worry about. The first set of translations are Spanish, but I know there are other translations coming (I have a few French ones, but not quite ready). I really appreciate the help from others, and hope that those helping with the translations are better at grammar and spelling than I am -- I figure that wouldn't be difficult. Thanks to all readers and helpers, David K. Every