Dojo (HowTo)
Many other pages have an Apple stock ticker and track the daily fluctuations of Apple's Stock. Yet I don't. There are good reasons for this (at least they are good reasons in my opinion). Daily stock variations have no relationship to reality. Whether Apple's stock goes up or down on a day by day basis has more to do with herd mentality and where the bleating sheep are going, and has little to do with the real worth of a company. It does have a very weak relationship to what the company is doing this month, but that is about as long term as many on Wall St. seem to think. If you are psychic, a professional investor dealing in forecasting, or a gambler -- then play stocks based on the day-to-day fluctuations. If you are a home investor, and of average experience, then you should be doing more long-term investing, or having a good analysts who you trust advising you on your investments. If you are a home investor, then the daily fluctuations of Apples stock are irrelevant. In fact, if you have invested in Apple as a long term investment, then tracking the day to day fluctuations can be more harmful than good (as it can be frustrating). InvestmentI fundamentally believe in investment. People should be socking away at least 10% of their salary. This is more important when you are young, as that money will compound nicely over the years -- and get you into a good habit of living below your means, instead of beyond them. I recommend that you create a separate account for your future, and pay that bill first. (Better is to have it auto-deposited out of your paycheck). Then invest and diversify that money among many different types of investments -- with a percentage going to short term savings (normal accounts), long term savings (IRA's, Pensions, or other retirement accounts), low risk investments (bigger stock or bonds and long term investments), and higher risk investments (speculation, smaller stocks, shorter term investments). Also hide some of your wealth in assets like precious metals, property and other appreciating tangibles. Spending will always rise to meet our income. Discipline takes work -- hiding money from ourselves is a way to make that easier. Think of your savings and future as a VERY important bill, to be paid into regularly. Then your luxury comes out of the rest. The less you make, the MORE important it is to plan for your future and pay this bill. The more you do when you are young, the bigger a difference it will make when you are older. Saving will not crimp your style much, and make you a much less stressed out person. Get advice from the pro's, and read a book(s). I am not a professional, just offering friendly advice. If you are playing the market, and you do not know what you are doing, then you might as well go to Las Vegas -- where you can have more fun with your gambling.