

ImageWriter / StyleWriter
- ImageWriter II: Express
- StyleWriter: Franklin, Mighty Mouse, Salsa,
- StyleWriter II: Speedracer
- Color StyleWriter: Logo
- Color StyleWriter 2200: Calamari
- Color StyleWriter 2400: Aurora
- Color StyleWriter Pro: Fantasia, Logo
- Color StyleWriter 4100: Cabo
- Color StyleWriter 4500: Baja
- LaserWriter: LightWriter
- LaserWriter LS: Nike
- LaserWriter NT: Twist
- LaserWriter SC: Shout
- LaserWriter IIf: Kirin Dry (a Japanese beer)
- LaserWriter IIg: Kirin (another beer)
- LaserWriter IINT: Leia
- LaserWriter IINTX: Darth Vader
- LaserWriter IISC: Solo
- LaserWriter Pro 600: Tollhouse
- LaserWriter Select 300: Ninja
- LaserWriter Select 360: Viper
- LaserWriter 12/640 PS: Mongoose
- Personal LaserWriter 300: Comet
- Personal LaserWriter 320: Photon
- Personal LaserWriter LS: Nike
- Personal LaserWriter NT: Twist
- Personal LaserWriter SC: Shout
- Personal LaserWriter: Capriccio
Apple Monitors
- Macintosh 12" RGB Display: Mai Tai
- Apple Color Plus 14" Display: Dragon
- Apple AudioVision 14" Display: Telecaster
- Macintosh 16" Color Display: Goldfish
- Apple Studio Display: Manta
- AppleVision 1710 Display: Hammerhead
- AppleVision 1710AV Display: Sousa
- Macintosh 21" Color Display: Vesuvio (maybe related
to the volcano that buried Pompeii in A.D. 79)
- Macintosh 21" Monochrome Display: Fred, Kong (its
colossal size is reminiscent of King Kong)
Other Monitors
- Radius Color LCD: Ptolemy
- RasterOps ColorBoard264: Cheapskate
- SuperMac PDQ: Snap
- SuperMac Thunder/24: Pop (from Rice Krispies, Milk
never saw the light of day)
- SuperMac Thunder/8: Crackle (also from Rice
- Radius flat-panel pivoting color LCD: Ptolemy
- Apple Standard Keyboard: Eastwood
- Apple Keyboard II: Elmer, Dvrfer
- Apple Adjustable Keyboard: Norsi
- Apple Extended Keyboard: Dörfer (Ed Colby's
nickname), Saratoga (named after the aircraft carrier
because of size; prototypes had small model carriers
decorated on them)
- MacPlus Keyboard: Nimitz (another aircraft
- Apple Extended Keyboard II: Elmer
- Apple Desktop Bus Mouse II: Topogigo (Europe &
Latin America's equivalent to Mickey Mouse)
Scanners / Digital
- OneScanner: Half-Dome (a famous cliff in Yosemite,
assumably the first picture they scanned), Ping-Pong
- OneScanner 600/27: Rio
- Onescanner 1200/30: New Orleans
- OneScanner for Windows: WinDome
- QuickTake 100: Venus
- Apple 871 Floppy Drive: Twiggy (used in the Lisa
- Apple Hard Disk 400SC: A Ts'ah (Japanese for eagle),
- Apple PowerCD: Tulip
- AppleCD 600: Hollywood
- AppleCD 800: Stingray
Other (removables)
- Iomega JAZ drive: Viper
- SyQuest EZ135: RoadRunner
Motherboard /
Case Designs
- iMac: Columbus (will reportedly use similar
motherboard as Apple Media Player)
- PowerMac G3: Gossamer
- PowerMac G3 Pro: Gossamer II, Yosemite
- PowerMac G3 Pro case: El Capitan (the ultimate
climbers challenge at Yosemite)
- PowerMac 5400/6400: Alchemy, Gazelle (enhanced
- PowerMac 8500/9500: Tsunami
- PowerMac 8600/9600: Kansas
- PowerMac 8600/9600 case: K2 (like the 2nd highest
mountain on earth)
- Motorola StarMax systems: Tanzania
PowerBook /
PB Duo / Newton Harware
- PowerBook 100 Conner Peripherals HD: Elwood (as in
the Blues brother, 40MB configuration), Jake (The other
Blues Brother, 20MB configuration)
- PowerBook 100 internal modem: O'Shanter &
- PB Duo Dock II: Atlantis
- PB Duo MiniDock: Spaniard
- PB Duo Floppy Adapter: Blackwatch
- PB Trackpad: Midas (after the mythological king that
turned everything he touched into gold)
- Newton MessagePad 110 Charging Station: Crib
- AppleTalk Internet Router: North (for Lieutenant
Colonel Oliver North who routed Iranian arms sale to the
Nicaraguan Contras)
- ISDN NuBus Card: CarCraft
- Apple Freedom Network: Frogger
PCI - PDS - Nubus
- Other
- iMac I/O Controller: Paddington
- PowerPC Upgrade Card: STP (after the automobile fuel
- PowerPC Upgrade for PB 5x0: Malcom
- Power Mac AV Card: Planaria
- PowerBook 3400c PCI bus technology: PowerStar
- Quicktime 3D Accelerator Card: White Magic
- PC Compatibility Card /w Intel 486: Gaucho
- PC Compatibility Card /w Pentium: Grand Illusion
- Apple PC Drive Card: Emerald City
- PCI MPEG-1 Video Card: San Francisco
- IIe LC PDS card: Double Exposure
- Quadra 610 DOS PDS card: Houdini (maybe because it
took Houdini to make DOS-compatible Macs), Royal
- IIgs Video Overlay Card: Gumby, Pokey
- Mac II Hi-Res Monochrome Card: Bob the Card
- Mac II 21" Monochrome Card: Barney
- AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor Video Card:
- Mac IIci Cache Card: American Express, Optima (tacky
joke, both are "cash cards")
- LocalTalk serial card: Livonia
- IIe LC PDS card: Double Exposure
- IIgs Video Overlay Card: Gumby, Pokey
Other Apple
- AppleDesign Powered Speakers: Badger
- AppleDesign Powered Speakers II: Baby Badger
- 1MB Apple Inline Cache: Sam-I-Am
- AISS: Making Waves
- Apple IIgs Video Cards: Gumby, Pokey (one became
Video Overlay Card)
- Mac 128k ROMs: L-H -- which got nicknames like
"Lonely Hears".
- 32 Bit CPU ROMs (MacII, IIx, SE): A-B-C-D -- "Ala
Baster Can Delabra"