

Easter Eggs
and Awards
By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
The Apple Easter Eggs collection has received a lot of
attention on its own (independent from the rest of the
MacKiDo site). Here are some of the contributions and
Click on the logos to link to the sources.
Featured in an article as one of the "Best
Mac Web Sites"
- October, 1997 (p. 97)
The file is also a "Best of Macworld"
"The greatest Apple Easter egg web site of
all time"
Feature of the MacAddict CD-ROM.
- November, 1997 (p.
Featured on the MacWEEK Hot List.
- July 7, 1997 (p.
Recognized by MacUser Magazine
- January, 1997
Recognized by Apple at Apple's History
The file version of this site is also rumored to be
circulating around Apple Headquarters.
"An incredible selection"
-Easter Egg Feature, April
The January, February, and April cover CDs
of the UK Macworld all contained the Apple Easter
Eggs file.
- April, 1998
The well respected Mac OS Rumors published
a link to this site from a letter I sent to them
about an Easter egg in an unreleased system. Their
decision to include the letter shows that this web
site is a reliable source for "rumored" Easter
- April 31, 1998

One of this book's many topics includes
Easter eggs. Sure enough, its authors decided to
slip a link to this site into their
The Easter eggs in this site are dispersed
throughout this Japanese book. This book can be
compared to Owen Linzmayer's "The Mac Bathroom
Reader" which has very similar content.
- ©1997
The May/June issue of Mac Today included
the Speech Recognition eggs from this web site.
- May, 1998
Selected by PC Webopaedia
- December 5, 1997
Showcased on "Apple A Day" as a "Cool
- August 3, 1997
Computer Currents Interactive link of the
- March 24, 1997
Big Cheese Award
- March 24, 1997
The file was chosen to be included on
AMUG's world famous BBS in a Box shareware CD.
- March 25, 1997
Apple Easter Eggs is of the Everything
Macintosh's few sites rated as one of the Mac
category hot-picks and site-wide
- May 2, 1998
Chosen as a "Cool Tool of the Day" on the
Cool Tool of the Day web site.
- March 30, 1997
Web site of the week on MacMadness.
- May 31 - June 6,

Given five stars by The Macintosh Collection
- July 26, 1996