

By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
System 7.0 CD
These eggs were in the Developers Released versions.
One of the more elaborate CD Eggs was going to be Parade.
This was hidden on the CD containing version 7.0a9 (and was
going to sneak into the release).
It worked something like this: an alert came up when you
booted the software. This alert had a bunch of legalese
about no warranty and pre-release software, and you had to
dismiss it to continue the booting process. But if you left
the alert alone for ten minutes, then the parade would
It began by having an animated band leader push the text
of the alert out of the way.
Then a curtain would come down behind him as the music
started to play (a 1954 recording of Kid Ory's Creole Good
Time Jazz Band performing When the Saints Go Marching In).
Across the screen marched an assortment of circus
performers carrying a banner.
The banner had a lot of text about the people on the
System 7.0a9 Parade Text
Ladies & Gentlemen! Apple System Software is proud
to welcome you to System 7.0a9, the greatest AppleEvent
on this or any disk! Prepare yourself to be blown away by
some of the most rip-roaring wildass craziness you have
ever had the pleasure of viewing with wide-mouthed
drooling awe! Gasp in astonishment as you are carried on
a magic carpet ride by the meanest of the Meanies, Chris
Derossi! Don't dare to blink lest you miss the wacky
artistry of Mike Reed and Sheila Brady! Delight as that
Dominator of Deft Derring-do, Jeff Miller, wrassles the
whining Snarfman to the muddy ground! Writhe in awe as
Bruce Leak and Konstantine Othmar feverishly flail on the
high wire in their wildman act "Wrangling Welterweights
of the Ramada Inn!" Shield your eyes lest ye be blinded
by the wondrous gleaming mirror and visage reflected
therein. Thrill as the TextEdit queen, Sue Bartalo,
beautifully balances her way across a screaming pit of
wild-italic characters! Watch with eyes like saucers as
Bill Bruffey and Kenny Tung climb the vicious, Man-eating
B-Tree! Pray and then cry "Huzzah!" for Jay Patel as he
lays into the livid LaserWriter 7.0, but save first.
Blush as Fonts scale to any size, fitting into any
centerfold or black velvet painting, thanks to Mike Reed,
Charlton Lui, Richard Becker, Lynn Bekkala, Tom Rickert,
Beaker, and Debra Herman! Stare in starry eyed amazement
at our own dog-faced boy, Dave Feldman, as he drives the
hair-raising HFS hounds of Hell through flaming hoops!
See the infinitely tiny yet insanely rabid AppleEvents as
they voraciously demand more limbs and bodies on their
pyre (beyond even those of Mike Farr, Ronny Metzker, Ed
Lai, and Paul Snively). Gasp in stark amazement as
applications publish and subscribe at the deft pixie-like
whims of those ever-fanciful Edition Managers, Tom Ryan,
Nick Kledzik, and Vincent Lo! Run screaming from the room
as Bobby Carp risks all in his frantic Installer Script
hula dance! Write your will before you descend to the
deepest depths of the dangerous Doppelganger Dungeon of
Death to relax to melodic tunes sung by Prashant Patel
and his parasitic pit vipers! Anesthetize your adenoids
and Sing Alleluia at the agile and alluring antics of
Donn Denman's amorous ants! Have your skirts blown over
your heads in the MultiFinder FunHouse, run by our own
Fun Meister, Dave Harrison! Tremble as the Raster
PrintDrivers rip Nik Bhatt into tiny pieces. Mind your
toes as the wild BootBlocks Scheme, and the New Patch
Scheme ridden in tandem by our own roughrider, Darin
Adler, are driven frantically in circles in the
recreation of the Chariot race from Ben Hur! Shudder as
Jay Moreland once again demonstrates his mastery over
morbid, macabre, and mutinous mouse nuts. (Watch out for
squirting blood...) Roll your eyes in fear as those
dazzling acrobats Bruce Jones, Frank Stanbach, and Bobby
Carp juggle multiple knife-edged disks in a
sweat-drenched yet delicate ballet of death! Crack open
your JD and prepare to breathe deep lest you faint in awe
at the nubile navigations of our Rubber Boys, Byron Han,
Jerry Godes, and Alex Kazim! Perceive the perspicatious
perambulations of our VM strongman, Joe Buczek, as he
lugs a langourous locomotive with his trembling teeth!
Laugh as those feisty Fizzling Finder clowns (John Meier,
scott douglass, Dave Owens, John Sullivan, Bryan Stearns,
and Phac LeTuan) assume aliases, commit faux pas, and
fervidly fence with a fleet of festive femme fatales! But
turn your heads away as the the lascivious Paul Mercer
issues ultimatums from his Slimebucket of Doom! Shake
your heads in amazement as Victor Chang and his lovely
assistant Sangam heave heavy sighs and hoist huge hairy
hippos in acrobatic acrostics! Marvel at Ed Tecot, the
rare reducing riparian orangutan from the rainy riverways
of Rwanda, (captured by Kevin McDonnell, Scott Boyd, Dave
Collins, Tantek Celik, and Dave Good) as it wriggles its
furry bulk into a size 36 Maidenform cross-your-heart
bra! Let tears fill your eyes as you smile at the winsome
hair-dying antics of the FileShare team: Ruth Hennigar,
Pat Dirks, Pat Dyson, Greg Vaughan, Tim Harrington and
twelve unconscious dalmations! Tremble in fear as Alan
Oppenheimer drives his lusty AppleTalk 2.1 motorcycle of
death! Experience stiction firsthand as Cannonballer
Peter Edberg flings his entire lifework into the ravenous
maw of a raunchy radiologist! Hold your ears, your socks,
your stomach as the Sound Manager plays multiple channels
with nary a commercial interruption thanks to Neil Cormia
and Kip Olson. There's even Balloon Help for the kiddies
being handed out by Randy Carr, and John Trumbull!
Throughout the madness, your Ringleader, Maura McNamara,
will be your guide with her team of Sea Monkeys, Dana
Rader, Tom D'Arezzo, and Brenda Rodgers! Blessings upon
our sugar daddy, Gifford Calenda, from whom all blessings
flow! Mille grazia to Peter Trump and Gary Davis who
disk-ipline the show! Come One! Come All! Rev your app
and join the fun! Our grateful thanks to all those circus
roadies we love so much including Tom Anderson, Steve
Smith, Leona Guthrie, Diana Adamic, Peter Martin, George
Jarrett, Andy Yarborough, Kevin Aitken, J. McKellar,
Balcer, Gomes, Darin Litzinger, Pam Martin, Melissa
Rogers, James Glanville, Eric House, James Bach, Brian
McGhie, Greg Marriott, Jim Mang, Gary English, Waymen,
Linda Curry, Don Veca, Braz, Don Johnson, Don Marsh, Chia
Chi Chou, Mary Burke, Richard Dizmang, Laile Disilvetri,
Megan Landry, Pace Bonner, Eric Anderson, Bonnie Collier,
John Fulleman, Sean Findley, Ken Feehan, Jean-Louis
Gassee, Mike Wallace, Giorgianne, Carol Crews, Ben
Beaseley, Richard Holmes, Eric Trehaus, Sharon Everson,
Trish Eastman just to name a few! And finally, thanks to
Kid Ory's Creole Good Time Jazz Band in 1954 who really
knew how to get those saints a-hopping!
Not A Parade
Version 7.0a12 also went out on a CD, and they didn't
take the time to make something as cool as the parade. But
they just couldn't bear to put nothing at all in its place.
One of the things developers would do is use MacsBug to
defeat the 10 minute time delay on the a9 parade. Greg
Mariott thought this was cheating, so made it extra hard
(i.e impossible) to defeat the time delay on the secret
boot-time Easter Egg in 7.0a12. After 7 minutes of waiting
(7 minutes was far more appropriate than 10 minutes...) a
still shot came on the screen. No music, no animation. It
was really lame compared to the parade, but Greg thought it
was way better than nothing.
The text in the
upper-right corner says:
"Parade brought to you by C.Derossi, M. Reed,
D. Adler & S. Brady.
Lack of Parade brought to you by G. Marriott."
Sheila Brady was the main artist on the parade, and on
the non-parade. This was all info obtained from Gred
Marriot's Web Site.