

Easter Eggs
By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
Location Manager (2.0)
Location Manager is used to setup many configuration
settings to all change as you change locations. After
MacOS8.1, Location Manager is now available on all
computers, desktops and portables.
- hold down Option when going to the about box in the
Apple Menu.
Credits will rise from the bottom of the window over a
picture of dance steps. At the end of the credits, a
cat will meow, hence the closing line.

Scrolling Text (v2.0):
Copyright © 1995-97, Apple Computer,
All rights reserved.
Apple Location Manager 2.0 Mountaineers
Robert Ciacchella, Chris (found another bug) Cutler,
Laurel (I'll need more chocolate) Frishman,
Miriam (can I demo it yet) Geller,
Steve (we need another context check) Guttman,
Adrian (not Chris) Iley,
Wayne (how many times are you going to build this) Kilthau,
Michael Lagae, Susan (ok, I'll rev the artwork) Michalak,
Thane Norton, Erik (it's almost done) Sea,
Brett (mailing list) Sher, Chris (it's not done yet)
Steve Splonskowski, Steve (how much will it cost) Sweeney,
Laura (don't move those resources) Telquist
Location Manager 1.0.1 & 1.0.2 MetroGnomes
Laurel Frishman, Miriam Geller, Erik Sea,
Chris Simmons, Steve Sweeney, Laura Telquist
Location Manager 1.0 WalkersAbout
Sean Arabian, Yan Arrouye,
Sue Bartalo, James Berry,
Lisa Davis, Peter Fletcher,
Jeff Fowlkes, Laurel Frishman,
Chall Fry, Miriam Geller,
Tho Ha, Christie Harslem,
Jeff Hellman, Jeremy Hewes,
Scott Johnson, Sharon Joyner,
John Kelley, Susan Michalak, Roque Pagan,
Steve Romero, Larry Rosenthal,
Erik Sea, Chris Simmons,
Eric Slosser, Steve Splonskowski,
Steve Sweeney, Laura Telquist,
Eric Towns, Shiro Wilde,
Irene Wong, David Zheng
Ancilliary Contributions Through Time And Space
Hani Abdelazim, Nancy Bennet,
Gerry Brown, Cyrus Daboo,
Dave Falkenburg, Éric Forget,
Thom Franklin, Brad Hochberg,
Jim Luther, Jim Murphy, Mark Neubieser,
John Norstad, Candi Perry, Leonard Rosenthal,
Angela Schillace, David J. Wright, Ed Wynne
practically everyone at Apple Japan
...and many others.
Sounds courtesy Tabitha (Erik's former cat).