Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every ThreadsLib ExtensionThe Thread Manager is integrated into System 7.5 and used for Multitasking (actually multi-threading). This library is used for the PowerPCs.
The following text is locating near the end of all of the gibberish. Text Shown:for 68k & PowerPC THE CAST: Engineers: Eric & Brad Qualifiers: BK, RT Initial Concept: DH Debugger: ML Underpaid Process Dude: DF Animal Handlers: CK, LB Parents: Mom & Dad Sisters: KMA, SJP, JRA Domestic Partner: Amy Potato Latke Chef: Tam Bomber Squadron Ldr: DB City Builder: MF The Flake: JH Secret About Box Critic: JR Beermeisters: DR, MB Slackers: SH, BT, CL, NS, JY Hardware First Aid: SM Special Thanks To: ERJ, KGB, Bear, DL, DB and everyone who believes! Dedicated to our fathers: Eugene Anderson Frank Post