

Easter Eggs
By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
Quadra 840AV
Quadra 840AV: Quadra 1000,
Secret Images
Apple has hidden two JPEG pictures in the ROM.
- To see them, run ROMmie.
- Then, open the dump file with CanOpener.
You will see the pictures. The JPEG code is marked with
the text "AppleMark". You could probably find other ways to
read the JPEG code by extracting it from ROMmie's dump
One Image is of people on the beach (and a dog):
The other image is of the team (on a boat? Patio?):
Secret Messages
- Drop into MacsBug and type DMA 40811FE8 999
In the ROM, you will see a large bunch of
credits for the "The Super Romo Super Team", also known as
the SuperMario ROM team. This includes the credits for
Central, RISC, MSAD, Cyclone, and a special "thankzzz to all
who contributed to past ROMs and system 7.x."
- In MacsBug type DMA F9A4D4 (in RAM)
It says "Barf, no more empty que elements-Leak
- In MacsBug type DMA E67E5E (in
The name "Caro Enricuccio" is repeated along with "Ah Que
- In MacsBug type DMA E5E83E (in
You will see a bunch of random and wierd words combined.
This is what will be displayed:
"Peace, Cow Boys, Frogs, Sayonara, Krisprolls,
No Maastricht, Vikings, Reindeer, Kurtoffein, Bowler
Hats, Spaghetti, Dykes, Cead Mile Failte, Siesta, Kiwis,
Bankers, Chocolate, Aussies, King Kong, Kim-Li-Sung,
Sandokan, Equator, Made in, Sylvie Vartan, Praha, Tatra."
All three of the above eggs are in, I believe, the modem
section of the hardware components -- and the person who
found these had a Geoport Modem (which uses Express Modem
software). So if you can't find them, let me know.