Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every Macintosh Classic Hold down Command-Option-x-o as you start up. If you wait long enough (not too long), the Mac creates an internal ROM disk with System 6.03, Finder 6.1x. I wouldn't use this for actual work, but it is good for diagnostics or booting off ROM disk to run utilities on your hard drive (System Disk). "XO" was chosen because the that was the development name of the computer. This was created because the Classic was going to have the ability to be a "Network Computer" -- a machine that can boot off the network without a hard drive or anything else. That part of the project was cancelled -- but what was left was stuffed in anyway. If you then use a utility like ResEdit that lets you see invisible folders. Look in the System folder and you'll see a list of people who worked on the Classic. Look for the "Brought to you by" folder conataining more hidden folders with names of the developers.