Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every Stolen from AppleI'd love to make this list complete -- if you have an info, let me know. Or if you have one of these machine, I'd love to stead a copy of the icon for display. It was rumored that Apple was going to put this icon into ever version of its ROM (at different locations). This icon would display "Stolen from Apple Computer". There was also supposed to be code to display this icon. Apple got burned with people (like Franklin) cloning the Apple]['s, so with the Macs they wanted to make sure this wouldn't happen again. Obviously, if the programmers could walk up to unauthorized clones and display this icon, it would be an open and shut case of copyright violation. Here are some of the locations: Macintosh Plus
This will give you a tiny Stolen from Apple Computer message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Macintosh SE
Macintosh SE/30 These all use the same ROM, so it makes sense to have the same location. You can find the icon data at $408A065A.