Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every Apple Fax Modem Turn on the modem while holding down the button on the front panel. The modem will beep three times. Once it has beeped twice in sequence, press the button three times in rhythm with the next three beeps. If your timing is right, you will hear the modem speak digitally recorded voices of three developers saying their names. (Nice!) FaxMaker for Teleport Modems Choose "About FaxMaker..." from the Apple menu. Now click the icon in the window. The arrow pointer will change into a mouse, and a scrolling list of the developers appears. Fax Terminal Fax Terminal is an application that comes with the Geoport and Express Modem and is included in the Telecom package. When going to ìAbout Fax Terminal...î drag your mouse over the icon of the fax machine. You will notice your cursor has changed to a question mark. Click on the icon and you will see some credits. Holding down command will speed up the credit list. Global Fax - German In version the German version 2.5.5, in the STR# resource of the extension, ID -8172, you will notice two error strings with a personal touch. This is how it appears in German, translated in English.String 2 = Ein unbekannter Faxfehler ist aufgetreten. Pech! Teleport (In old versions the name was known as "Teleport Serial") Note: I am aware that the Teleport Modem is not made by Apple, but since it was packaged with all Performas I figured it appropriate to include.