Dojo (HowTo)
By: David K. Every Mac OS 8.5
The screen is cleared and replaced with a black background (or a black to dark blue blend if you have thousands or millions of colors). On top of this background oversized, pixelated icons along with credits of those who worked on the OS will fade in and out. This Egg is identical to the 8.5b (Allegro) Egg in behavior -- the only differences seem to be the text and the icons. The icons seem to be whatever it can find in the System Folder. This is a list of the text -- but I'm not sure if I got all the names (let me know if you find a set not on the list): Arno Gourdol AppleScipt Access Technologies Component Engineering Customer Quality Developer Support Engineering Tokyo Find Engineering Font/Lanugage Kits Help Engineering High Level Toolbox In Box Installer and Upgrader Internet Control Panel Engineering Installer Script Navigation Services Software Configuration Special Friends Speech Engineering Tech Pubs