Easter Eggs
By: David K. Every
& Daniel Fanton
(C) Copyright 1999 DKE - All Rights Reserved.
Silicon Valley
This is the most famous, and probably the oldest easter
egg released by Apple. It started with System .1 (notice the
decimal place -- not System 1, but .1) in like 1983.
When holding down the Option key while in the Finder, go
up to what would normally be "About This Macintosh..." in
the Apple Menu. Instead, it will say "About The Finder...".
When you select it, you will see a picture of Silicon Valley
(in abstract). After a while it will give a list of credits
at the bottom.
If the Finder is past version 7.0 and the creation date
of the invisible "Desktop Folder" is May 13, 1991 or later,
it will have credits for all of those who created the Finder
from the Lisa on.
If Balloon Help is turned on, the drop-menu says
"Displays a dialog with the original Finder picture."
By holding down Command and Option you will see a wacky

Finder 1.1g
In Finder 1.1g (the first publicly released version of
the Finder from 1984) the "About this Macintosh" dialog had
the now infamous moutainous backdrop -- and if you held down
a key combination while selecting "About this Mac...", the
cursor would turn into a little skier and you could ski him
(or her) up and down the mountains!
Silicon Valley meets Clarus!
Adam Lang ([email protected]) gave me the history about
an improvement to the Silicon Valley Picture (built directly
into the ROM), right around the the time that System 7 was
going to be released. The way it was going to work was that
when you went to the "About the Finder..." window (and held
down keys like D and C) it would show
the regular black and white landscape -- and then you would
pan away to discover what the valey really is: part of
Clarus the dogcow! Then the credits would roll and all would
be explained.
Sadly, there wasn't enough time and space to get it put
into the ROMs. On the brighter side of things, there is an
extention which patches your System that has the DogCow
movie and will run the egg called "Clarus-The Tail Patch",
which was made in 1991 by David Ewing and Tim Senecal. But
that extension doesn't seem to like modern machines (and OS
versions) very much. So through the miracle of modern
persistance, the use of QuickTime, and some creative
editing, I have made a QuickTime Movie (from the original
images) to show you what it was going to look like:
Silicon Valley meets
Provided by Jack Frost
([email protected])
Silicon Valley picture was going to be replaced in
Copland with the dazzling picture below.
But alas, Copland died, as did it's
spiffy color about box.
It looks excellent in thousands or millions of
colors. I was only able to put in here at 256 because of
the space it took up. The picture was never put in and
was traded for the graphic you see now in MacOS8.

Mac OS 8 Valley!
Apple believed MacOS8 was the greatest thing to happen to
the Mac since 1984. Thinking out with the old, in with new,
MacOS8 engineers made a brand new Silicon Valley to replace
th old black and white one -- this one was color and
rendered. You will notice that
at the end of the credits, after the Special Thanks, the
employess who lost their jobs after the restructuring are
Like the original, to see it just
hold the option key and select the "About the Finder.." menu
item, from the Apple Menu.
