

your Mac'98
seen in MacAddict
Magazine... and more

a Mac is child's play. Even PC users know that any sissy
with a brain and a keyboard can use his Mac right out of the
box to scribble letters, doctor photos, tinker with HTML,
and piddle away time cruising the web. But it takes a
devilish mind and some might big trackballs to delve into
the very depths of the Macs code and wreak havoc on its
The Mac
is the coolest computer in the known
Galaxy -- but sometimes even that just
isn't enough. Just because the Mac is
already more customizable than those
"other" computers, that doesn't mean that
we can't want to change it to fit our
tastes even more . This series will show
you how, and teach you a about resources
along the way.
Apple spends millions of dollars
testing every nuance of the MacOS and
making sure it runs right on every variant
of Mac Computer. They check for every
spelling mistake, for how everything
looks, and for how everything works. In
the spirit of contempt for that which is
good and "normal", we are going to ignore
all that hard work, and "hack" the
If the devil on your shoulder has been
prodding you to hack your Mac but the angel of reason keeps
holding you back, it's time to give the devil his due. We'll
show you how to use Mathesmaethetics' powerful Resourcerer
to wrestle control from resources and force your Mac to take
on personalized startup screens, customized menus, hilarious
sounds, and more.
But all you code crackers out there would
be wise to back up before you hack up your system, and only
make changes to copies of files. Careless hackers can crash
their Macs and invite the kind of ill will that would give
Lucifer the chills. Take the proper precautions, however,
and nothing can stop you from transforming your
mild-mannered Mac into a monster all your own.
I would like to thank all the great
people over at MacAddict for publishing this article.
Especially Nikki Echler for all the patience she showed,
and help she offered in bringing this article to