Dojo (HowTo)
ROM means Read-Only-Memory. ROM is a form of permanent storage. This is information that is pre-stored in your computer so that when your computer is first turned on, it doesn't have to load this information from the hard drive. ROM is pre-programmed with its information in the manufacturing process - once made it can never be changed. Because you can not change any of the information on a ROM, it is mostly useful to designers for storing parts of the Operating System that have no need to change. This code or data can be used from ROM, which saves the computer from having to use RAM to achieve the same function (and ROM is cheaper). Macs have about 4 Megabytes (4 million characters) of ROM, PC's have 16 Kilobytes (16 thousands characters). RAM is often faster than ROM, so sometimes people "shadow" or "mirror" the ROM -- they copy it into RAM and then always access the RAM version. This is wasteful of RAM, but since RAM is faster, some people are willing to trade performance for space. This may sound funny, because why wouldn't you just store what was on ROM on the hard-drive? Some people do -- but then it has to load all that into Memory first -- where copying from ROM to RAM is much faster. TYPES OF ROMS There are a few different types of ROM. Primarily users care about just plain old ROM, but engineers are very specific about the type of ROM used. Most computers use plain old ROM, but there are small amounts of the other types of ROM's and so explaining the differences may help users. PROM means Programmable-Read-Only-Memory. PROM is a form of permanent storage that you can write to, but just once. The process of making ROMs has to be done at a chip-manufacturing plant, but PROM's let many companies make their own ROM's without a long manufacturing process. PROM's work by putting the chips in a special "burner", and sending the information to the chip. The chip starts out as all 1's, and the burner can pop specific 1's into a zero state -- the results are that any value can be stored permanently on a PROM, and PROM's can be used in place of ROMs. PROM's cost more, so are used in small volume manufacturing or in testing stages, on data that will rarely change (every week, month or year). ConclusionI hope this gives you an understanding of what ROM is, and the diferent types of ROM.