

and Jolly Rancher
and the new User Interface

When Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled
the Aqua interface for Mac OS X at his Macworld/San
Francisco keynote, he put forward the most dramatic user
interface change for the Mac since the original Mac was
introduced. Understandably, this sparked a lot of discussion
in the Mac community (the interface lists filled up like the
sewers at superbowl half-time).
Steve Jobs started by saying his announcement by saying
that it was interface that made you want to lick it. Since
slobber on the monitor doesn't improve the usability, I'll
pass. But the interface does remind me of what would happen
if you left a jolly
rancher candy on the Mac interface on a hot summer day
-- so I refer to it the jolly rancher interface, but I've
also heard gumdrop, and gel-caps as other analogies.
Interface people are paid to notice all the little
details, and make sure that everything makes sense and is
conveying the most information possible, in the clearest and
easiest to understand ways -- basically we are like editors,
under-appreciated nitpickers. Let's go through the new
interface changes, and try to pick some nits and see what we
can learn.
What it looks like
the controls have this translucent fruity color
effect -- which is appealing to the eye. The 3D
effect of controls is very pleasant -- and
everything looks like these bubbles of fruity
There is a nice use of transparency so not only
do controls look sort of translucent, but menus see
thru to the background, and things cast shadows to
soften transitions. Even dialogs are translucent
and cast a shadow. It is a nice visual effect and
is appealing to my eye.
in Aqua can be huge, highly detailed, and use rich
accurate color (32 bit / millions of colors) -- and
they can scale from the largest 128 x 128 pixel
size, all the way down to mini-icons.
Large icons are of course are screen space
wasters -- and because of their huge size, they
make some people feel like the interface is
cartoon-like (or so I've heard). But they are
visually appealing, and you don't have to use them
this large. So I have nothing against allowing
large icons for beginners or previews, and using
large for demos -- as long as it doesn't mean that
this will be the normal size while working (which I
highly doubt). So this addition does some good and
no real harm -- so I'm for it.
I'm an icon fiend, demanding a nice visual
language and many rules for what icons mean and how
they should look. The Mac had a whole language for
icons and what they meant, NeXT had a little less,
and both languages got diluted over time (and lost
something in the process). I'm hoping that Apple at
least defines as much as they did before, if not
more, and strongly encourages good usage. There
isn't enough queues (from what I've seen so far) to
know what the visual rules are for icons in Aqua --
but Apple hasn't released the new interface
guidelines (yet). When they do, it will help
programmers (and users) understand more about icons
and aqua, and how to use its new visual
Menus are one of the most important parts of a
GUI (Graphical User Interface) because they are
used so often. Menus are the interface element that
broke the old models of command lines, secret
commands (that you had to memorize) and modes.
Menus gave us a more modeless interface, with more
commands available at a given time, and the
commands arranged logically and in a way that users
could see and explore. This alone was a huge leap
forward in interface -- so I think menus are very
Of the menuing systems, there are a few
different ways to work. The Apple menubar is far
superior to the Windows (and often UNIX) way of
doing menus, for many reasons I've gone into in
other articles (http://mackido.com/Interface/menus.html).
NeXT menus are a close runner up in behavior to
Apple's, with even a few advantages -- but they
used a bit more screen real estate, and they
certainly weren't better enough to justify using
their different behavior on the Mac -- so I think
Apple made the right decision to keep the Mac
menubar (over the NeXT way). Either way, the global
menus (Mac and NeXT) are far superior to many local
menus (Windows and UNIX).
look of the menus is only relatively unimportant to
me (assuming they are clear, asthetically pleasing,
and readable) -- and users adapt to subtle changes
in looks very quickly. The new menus do look a
little different with sexy features like being
lined, with a slightly translucent effect and they
also cast a shaddow to give a nice 3D effect. And
the menus also look a lot like a nice evolution of
the Mac menus.
Some interface people don't like the
translucence effect -- it detracts from clarity of
the text. I agree that it can, but I don't find it
significant on he demos -- and I believe that there
can be a balance that makes it look good, and yet
still doesn't detract from the readability. So even
if it did turn out to be too strong now, it could
be made more subtle by release.
Other interface people are concerned about
anti-aliased text -- both in the menus and
throughout the system. (Anti-aliasing is an effect
that smooths but blurs the text in a way to use
colors to simulate higher resolution). With large
and medium size fonts the effect is usually very
nice -- but at low resolution/sized fonts, the
effect can make the text less readable. Aqua seems
to fix this problem by making the text larger
everywhere. This makes for a nicer look and
readability/clarity -- but it also means less
screen real-estate efficiency. So there are some
questions about those tradeoffs, and who is going
to have control over things (users with
preferences, or Apple). I'm not overly concerned
because this stuff is easy to work out and
There appears to be some rearrangement of where
things will be on menus using Aqua. These things
quickly can devolve into religious wars -- but what
I care about as an interface designer and as a
user, is that there are clear rules for where
things will be -- sort of a syntax for menu design
in the Aqua interface guidelines. We don't have the
guidelines yet, so I can't comment too much on the
new arrangements -- but I can tell that some things
will change (especially with the Apple and
Application menus). Time will tell, and people hate
change, so there will be some whining -- but if
things are more consistant, and logical, then we'll
just have to get used to it.
There is a lot that is not yet known about the
menus (but should be known shortly). There were
power features in NeXT, like tear-off menus. I
don't know if Aqua will have them are not. But I
personally think all this stuff will get worked out
just fine.
There are arguments for and against
tear off menus -- the negatives are mainly that
tear-off menus are an interface element that is
abused and encourages people to use a poor,
screen real-estate wasting behavior and gives
some designers an excuse for not doing things
better (like creating specialized palettes), but
there are many positives as well like a more
visual operating mode, more user control, and so
on. Personally I'm hoping that they will have
tear-off menus, and think it is quite likely,
but we'll have to wait and see.
Special Effects
Mac has zoom rects (animated rectanges) which show
many window state changes (transitions). When you
double click an icon the little animation shows
what is happening because the icon opens/grows into
a window through the use of rectangular outlines.
These transitions are part of the interface
subtleties that make the Mac the best GUI available
(to date). In fact, it is the hundreds of little
subtle things like this that makes Windows suck
(compared to the Mac). On the Mac when an
application or folder is open, the icon reflects
this (by being greyed out), of course Windows does
not. These details and polish are very important
(yet subtle) information cues to the user -- and it
is these details that make an interface good, or
just an amaturish hack.
It looks like Apple is trying to keep these
subtle behaviors, but update and improve them.
The genie effect (as it is called)
graphically displays what is going on -- the window
get smooshed down to an icon to fit into the dock
-- and the icons get stretched back out to become a
window. While few would call this subtle, it
clearly conveys to the user what is going on. This
is a great transition.
My only complaint is that I'm hoping it
will be a bit faster than the demos show -- I
prefer transitions to take less than about 1/4th
of a second or less, more than that and the
animation slows the user and operation down (and
gets tiresome after the first few thousand times
you watch it). Of course processing power can
improve this over time if it doesn't start out
right -- and having a clear transition like this
is much better than not having transitions (like
in Windows). As I said, I really like the
clarity of the behavior -- even if the effect
seems a little cartoony and gratuitous.
Another nice effect is the magnification
effect. Icons in the dock can be small -- but
the ones that are being looked at (with the mouse)
grow and are magnified to see their detail. This
increases screen real-estate efficiency by making
most things smaller -- while still giving users the
advantage of detail by making the object of focus
use more space (so that they can clearly see what
it is and all the information that should convey).
This is a good balance between maximizing size, and
maximizing information.
The magnification effect is borrowed (from Sun I
think) -- I remember the effect, but am not 100%
sure who demonstrated it. Years ago I remember
seeing a prototype 3D interface that used a similar
magnification effect to try do a similar thing. The
whole display used small icons/images, but as you
focused on them they were magnified into detail --
so you moved what you were focused on around the
screen like a giant magnifying glass. The annoying
part of the effect is that it worked on the whole
screen, all the time. The dock magnification effict
is a similar but more focused (only one
dimensional) -- making it far more useful, and far
less annoying than this happening over the whole
screen. Frankly, the other way would make you
nauseous and disoriented after using it for a
while. So I'm glad to see that Apple is thinking,
and willing to steal (and improve).
However, there are a lot of subtle
transitions in the Mac -- and all of them
have to be updated to have the new feel and be
consistent. It isn't hard to add a neat feature or
idea -- it is far harder to use that idea
everywhere that it makes sense, and keep things
consistent. But that is what good interface is all
about. The demos of Aqua still have some bugs and
misses in detail -- but it is still very early in
the development process and there is still time to
get it all right. If all these details are
improved, and it looks like they will be, then Aqua
really will be an improvement.
Dialogs (sheets)
aren't "dialog" windows anymore, there are
"sheets". Sheets are dialogs, but they are bound to
winodws and are tied in to windows by function, by
text (what they say), by proximity (being located
just under the window titlebar), by look (they are
translucent and look attatched), and by animation
(they come out of the window). The genie also works
beatifully with the way that sheets (dialogs) come
out -- it shows relevant transition. This is all
really good interface.
Sheets are a very nice improvement to the
interface, and are long overdue. So Aqua gives us
another interface win.
dialog buttons had a bold frame around them to show
that they were the "default" button -- the button
that will be activated if the user pressed the
enter or return key (by default).
also has a default button -- but this button is a
colored (blue) translucent button. Which is fine --
it is differentiated by contrast and color. But to
let user know that it is the default, it throbs or
sort of pulsates in an animated and somewhat
annoying way.
I like animation, to a point, but it can quickly
go from catching your attention to pestering you
like the 4 year old child saying, "mommy, mommy,
mommy, mommy..." about three thousand times. If the
effect is subtle, it isn't bad -- but in the demos
of Aqua it was not yet subtle enough. I reserve a
special hatred for functions that pester me into
submission and that don't know when to get out of
you way -- like I despise the annoying little
"agent/helper" in Microsoft office for just this
This means that to me, the Aqua buttons may be a
step sideways (or backwards). But, I, and the other
interface weenies complaining about this, may be
jumping the gun. I should really reserve comment
until I use it for a while to make sure it is as
annoying as it seems (at first glance) -- it may
not cross the annoyance threshold and be just
So far, many of the Mac faithful have given Aqua positive
reviews, generally outweighing the negative voices. In fact,
most people seemed to like what they saw. But there are also
concerns of those who see problems that could arise from the
changes Aqua will put us all through. So keep these
negatives (concerns) in perspective with all the positive
feedback, while looking over these potential issues and
areas for improvement. Each group of users seem to have
unique concerns.
What I've heard so far includes:
- Developers - Some developers were put
off by Aqua -- they felt the Mac interface was being
glitzed up at Jobs' orders. They fear that form may take
precedence over functionality, much as it did with
Apple's current round mice, dinky little keyboards and
the interface changes for Sherlock and QuickTime.
Lately, some developers feel they've had decisions shoved
down their throats by Jobs (or his management) without a
chance for input. Compounding this problem is that Apple
under Jobs is "closed," refusing to talk to developers
about the company's plans -- it's hard to quell developer
trepidations with deafening silence. However, developers
are scheduled to get the test versions of the OS with
Aqua at the end of January, and that should at least help
to address the lack of communication.
I don't think many are giving Apple quite enough credit
-- despite the glitzy look and feel of Aqua, the
interface does seem to make a lot of sense (at least from
what we've seen so far), even if it is a rough "work in
progress." Given time, and constructive feedback, Aqua
can grow into something as nice and polished as the
current Mac interface. Who knows, Apple might even
address their other concerns as well (sooner or
- Professionals - Some professionals -- both
artists and business types -- were very concerned with
Aqua's candy-coated interface. They didn't feel it was
professional enough for their desktops and didn't want
another battle with the ignorant elite (PC advocates,
IS/IT and the PC press). However, users will get used to
the new interface, whether they like it or not
(especially since Ken Bereskin, Apple's Director of OS
Technologies, Worldwide Product Marketing,has
said that Mac OS X will not support switchable
themes). However, as long as the interface works well,
and if it saves time and enhances productivity, then they
can (and will) suffer slings and arrows about the
lickable looks.
- Home users - A few home users and artists that
I talked to were concerned over the loss of themes and
customization. Many people love to personalize their
computers and they've loved that on their Macs for 15
years. They wish Apple would help them instead of
fighting them. The geekier in this crowd know that Apple
has intentionally covered up the theming capabilities of
the Mac OS -- and they resent it. They want to be able to
make things their own and they feel that Apple wants to
make their choices for them. While many of them really
like the new interface, it is still a personal
preference, and one flavor does not fit all people.
I think we should all agree that themes and
customizability are a secondary (or even tertiary)
concern behind getting a good interface and a solid OS
out in the first place. After OS X comes out and is shown
to work, then we can see whether Apple will allow some
sort of customization -- and then it will be the right
time to put pressure on them to do so. But first things
first. So even though these customizability concerns are
valid in the long term, for now they should be a low
Overall, I think Aqua adds many nice improvements to the
Mac OS, and includes few decisions that give me concern.
I'll voice the concerns, but I believe that Apple will
address many of them (whether I voiced them or not). Even if
Apple doesn't, there is nothing so bad in Aqua as to render
it unusable. After all, people put up with Windows or
various UNIX interfaces, and so far Aqua looks far superior
to those. The new Apple loves "the big surprise." I don't
think we've seen everything there is to Aqua -- I think it
is meant to show a direction in which things are headed.
This is communication (a good thing), and it is progress. Of
course many people have concerns -- Mac people are interface
perfectionists (and I'm proud of the lot of them) -- but I
want to give Apple a chance to change, as long as they don't
lose site of what is important.
I'm pretty happy with Aqua so far, in that it's doing
exactly what it should do (for now) -- it is trying to do
things better. By mining the NeXT interface for the most
valuable parts, grafting them to the successful Mac
interface and adding new behaviors, Apple is aiming to make
something more modern, something that is able to grow in the
future. It even borrows a little from Windows as well -- and
that shows that the NIH (not-invented here) age is
completely over at Apple. As long as they still consider
older reliable Mac behaviors, then things should come out
all right.
There are more unknowns than knowns, and there will be
for a while -- but compared to previous versions of OS X
Server, we are seeing progress and a direction, mostly in
the right direction, even if Aqua still has a ways to go.
These features should give you an idea of what Apple is
trying to do. Aqua interface is more visual, seems to have a
translucent and jelly-like theme. There will more use of
animation and larger icons, and active elements (like
rollover buttons) and active controls. So, all in all, there
are a lot of subtle changes to the interface -- and far more
of them seem good than bad. I'm looking forward to getting
the developer demos, and getting to work more with the
interface so that I can make more informed opinions -- it
seems silly to get too worked up, yet, because not
everything is in stone and I haven't had weeks to use it
(and get over my initial bias). If Apple keeps going in the
current direction (and listens to some feedback), then by
the time Aqua is released, it should be a very nice user
interface -- even though at this point it is still a little
immature and a "work in progress".