

Screen Layout
are things positioned the way they are?

If you want to look at the way NOT to display information
on a screen, look no further than Win95 and its
applications. Most Microsoft Applications portray many
"no-no's" of UI (User Interface), and Windows is no
exception. So by looking at what Microsoft did wrong, and
what Apple did right, we can learn a lot about User
One of the most basic concepts of Screen usage, has to do
with how you prioritize the information. What metaphor do
you use and why?
Computer technology was created mostly by western
culture, and so we put our ethnocentric biases on
example, our writing systems work from the top-left corner,
and move right across the page, until we get to the end of a
line, and then we wrap to the next line, and travel down to
the bottom right corner. This means that there is a priority
on how we look at a page (or computer screen). Our biases
have effected rest of the world, until they have become
Information on the upper-left of the screen is the most
important (what we look at first), and bottom-right is least
important (what we look at last). Apple understands this
prioritization, and used it to design the Mac interface.
Microsoft either didn't know the most basic of UI concepts,
or didn't care. Look at the following:
The menubars (and menus) are at the top
of the screen. This is because they are the most
frequently used item on the screen, so they are in
a predictable place and in the highest priority
position (upper-left). Menus themselves are ordered
so that the most frequent items are supposed to be
at the top and left, and the least frequent are at
the bottom of menus and are the right most.
The menubars are at the top of every
window. This scatters them around the screen. When
you zoom an app, it is not so bad since they are
near the top. But then there are problems with that
window obstructing other windows, and so on. The
menus themselves are ordered similar to the Mac.
But the point is that there is no prioritization of
where menus will be on the screen.
Application (task) switching is a fairly
common task, and so is high up on the display
priority chain. But it is contained in a control
that only displays the information as you need it
(through a dropdown menu). This keeps as much
screen real estate available as possible. The Mac
does need more versatility (power) in the App menu,
but that is being added. So the App menu behaviors
are better from a real-estate (information hiding)
and prioritization point of view.
Application (task) switching is a fairly
common task, so it is at the bottom of the screen
(which means low priority). It can be relocated,
but the default is bad. It always wastes that the
screen real estate (whether you want to see it or
not), but you can set it to hide when not in use --
and then when you overshoot the scrollbar (common
action) the taskbar pops out (obstructing work),so
most users dislike auto-hide. The task bar is
usable, but it is poor at information hiding and
Windows open in the work area (towards
the left, and higher in priority). If the window
has a palette (frequently used tools to access the
information in the window), it will usually go to
the left or above the content window. Palettes can
add clutter and confusion, but are usually used
(abused) far less than Windows.
When you maximize windows they do not fill the
screen, they start at the left of the screen, and
only take as much width as they need. This leaves
screen real-estate for others.
Windows open over the work area (in front
of other things). Most window have lots of palettes
(buttonbars) that take up the top part of Windows,
and can sometimes be relocated. But the overuse of
palettes by Windows can reduce the work area to the
size of a postage stamp.
When you maximize windows they fill the screen
and obstruct all other work. This leaves no screen
real-estate for others. So task switching is far
more needed (and common).
Disks (and folders and files) are to the
right of the screen, so that when you open windows
and applications, the content (what is important)
fills the left part of the screen, or your work
area (which is higher priority). You can do that
without obstructing the disks (drives) so that if
you want to open anything else, you can just start
from the disk (at the right) and find what you
Disks are less important than their content, and
presumably your focus is on the content -- yet the
disks are still accessible.
Disks are embedded an extra layer deeper.
So you always have to open "my computer" first,
which contains all devices. So there is an extra
step before you can work with disks and data. Then
when you open them they are often in the center of
the screen (they are in a window). This means that
any windows or files you open (content) will
obstruct these devices. Then you have to hide or
close those windows or Apps, or use the task bar to
reorder windows, before you can access the file
hierarchy again. In other words, there is no
prioritization between drives and the data.
Printers are sometimes used to drop data
(files) on to print. Or opened if you want to see
the status of a print job. So both are accessible
by placing them right below the drives in
Printers are embedded a couple layers
deep (inside "my computer/printers/"). This makes
accessing them (and their information) harder. So
most people only work with printing through
Control Strip frequently used setting are
accessible through a little pop-out control called
a control strip.
Some apps patch Windows to have access to
settings via the taskbar. But this method, and
their behaviors are not standardized.
Popup items frequently used folders (and
their items) can be docked at the bottom of the
screen. This allows users to shortcut the drive
hierarchy and get to their work quicker.
The bottom of Windows is used to switch
applications (like the tasks), and you can't have
as quick of access to frequently used items (other
than shortcuts, which work like Mac aliases, only
Apple has their Apple Menu which does everything
the start menu does in windows. Except the Apple
menu works better, since the hierarchy isn't as
deep (faster to work), and it is easier to
configure and manage. It also has more features
like recent items.
Start menu is at the bottom of the
screen. This is where you get to things that are
kept in menus in any other program, except the file
explorer. Don't ask me why there is this
inconsistency. I especially like the logic of
putting shutdown as the first item in the start
Trash is placed in the bottom-right,
lowest priority (since you don't want to
accidentally destroy data). It is away from
everything else.
Trash is placed next to drives and in a
high priority position. Also there is a little
trash can inside of the file explorer. This makes
data removal easier -- but so easy that you can
accidentally destroy data.
Windows is highly
configurable, which is not always a good thing in UI
(despite what many geeks think). So many "bad" Windows
behaviors are "fixable", or there are workarounds, with
proper configuration. But most people don't make those
changes (because they don't know how), even when the
changes are as easy as making shortcuts to the desktop
(to make it behave more like a Mac). Besides, the point
of this article is default behaviors.
Some features have other
advantages, and disadvantages, not mentioned here -- but
this article's scope is screen utilization, not the
merits of every feature mentioned.
Other screen utilization issues
There are plenty of other User Interface gripes (dealing
with screen real-estate) that I have with Microsoft. These
are more than just opinion, these are lack of understanding,
or poor usage, of basic UI concepts.
Chicklet Buttons
Microsoft took Apples idea from MacWrite (embedding a
ruler in a document) and MacPaint (tools/palettes), and went
berserk. They created 'chicklet' buttons galore, so that all
the functions that you can easily find and understand in the
menus, are now embedding in a visual cacophony of confusing
little buttons -- all wasting precious screen real-estate.
This confuses users, and increases their chances of errors.
User; "Oh no, that was the self-destruct chicklet!"
Don't get me wrong, some chicklets and palettes are not
bad, but not everything should be accessible through one. An
example of 'a little is good, a lot is bad'. Read the
following list:
- Buttons are proper when there are a few often used
buttons, buttons are wrong if they try to
- Buttons are fine if they do functions that are
visually obvious. They are wrong if they do things that
the user might not see the results of, so they click
again and again and wonder if they clicked at all.
- Buttons are wrong for destructive behavior (since
accidental clicks are not uncommon).
- Buttons are wrong for file commands or if they pull
up dialogs and require more input (since that slows down
the workflow).
- Buttons are wrong if they are only used for menus
(since that is what a menu or menu bar is for).
I just wish Microsoft would read this list, and apply it.
Either they know these UI concepts, and don't care because
they sell the glitz and not the usability (and don't care
about productivity or usability), or they are incompetent
and have ripped others off poorly. I suspect the former.
Most monitors are in a landscape orientation (wider than
they are tall). Most of the information you want to display
is pages of information (which are taller than they are
wide). This makes vertical screen real-estate far more
important than horizontal real-estate. This is why Apple
created vertical palettes that you go to the left of a
document window, and the Mac supports floating palettes that
can be moved anywhere (or closed).
Application developers didn't understand why apple did
this, and some applications reflect their ignorance
(Microsoft's Apps are the worst culprits). The results of
this ignorance are apparent in Win95 and are forced on many
of its Apps; both by MDI (parent-child Windows, and by
following their standards). Look at these two images:
In some ways
this image isn't fair:
- Claris Home Page
doesn't really have a status line, but most Windows
Apps do (so added it to this app to stress my
- Many people will
maximize the parent and child windows (to minimize the
poor real-estate usage) -- but in order to maximize
those separately it takes an extra step (or two)
setting things up. When you are working with more than
one file at a time it is almost always going to be in
the wrong state (at least part of the time). And it
forces a more "modal" work flow, since a zoomed
document obstructs all other documents.
In some ways this
image was not harsh enough:
- Most Windows apps
have more than one status line.
- I was viewing
Windows with compressed settings. You can sent font
sizes and other UI elements to be larger.
- I didn't include
the Windows taskbar in my image (which takes more
vertical real-estate).
- Claris Home Page
doesn't use as many palette lines as most Windows
Applications, and CHP has more palettes than are
normal for the Mac.
Notice the difference in usable screen real-estate?
Normally, on the Mac you have a scroll bar, a Menubar, a
window title, and maybe a palette (but usually a vertical
one that isn't taking vertical real-estate). So 3 or 4
vertical lines are used.
On Windows there is normally a titlebar (or two), a menu
bar (or two), a palette bar (or 4), a status bar (or two
lines worth), a scrollbar (or two), and the taskbar. Then
there are little space-separators every so often (little
borders around things to give it a more 3D effect). So up to
10-15 vertical lines can be use (for a large percentage or
your usable vertical real-estate).
The Mac is like having a bigger monitor (in this example
a monitor 3 times as large). The Macs superior real-estate
efficiency is like money in the bank (by having a larger
monitor for free, or being more productive on a smaller
Multiple Monitors
As if the advantages of the Macs use of screen
real-estate weren't enough. The Mac also supports multiple
monitors, which many graphic artists, video producers,
programmers, businesses and even schools take advantage of.
Quite often I've recommended that users and clients buy two
17" monitors instead of one 19"; they end up with more
screen real-estate, they have a built-in back up (in case
one monitor breaks), and it can cost less.
Windows95 does not support more than one monitor, though
there are rumors than Win98 may support it...
finally. But with Microsoft you have to wait and see.
Windows98 is mostly fixing bugs and delivering on features
promised for Win95 (which was originally called Win4/Chicago
and scheduled for '92 - '93). And then there is the question
of how well it will support it. Win95 is supposed to be
plug&play, but the results were less than stellar for
the first few years. WinNT sort of supports multiple
monitors -- but it it is hard to set up, and it can't do the
most basic of things (like not put your dialogs in the
middle of two screens, or support different color depths for
each monitor, and so on). So while Microsoft may get
multiple monitor support working before 2000, the Mac has
done so (the right way) since 1987. This time Microsoft is
more than their usual 10 years behind Apple (1).
(1) Remember, Microsoft took until Win95
to "catch up" with things like long file names, desktop
metaphor, and so on -- which was available on a 1984 Mac,
or 1983 Lisa. Of course "catch up" is generous, since
Win95's implementations have many holes and flaws than
the Macs of a decade earlier.
Apple understands the value of screen real-estate and
about prioritization. Microsoft does not, or does not care.
So while most Mac users have a hard time quantifying why
they like the Mac so much, they do know it is better.
Hopefully this article (and all articles in the Interface
section) will give them more ammo for exactly why the Mac is
so much better -- from User Interface perspective.
Many people claim that
Microsoft did their Interface different (wrong) just to
be different, and to avoid losing the lawsuit over look
and feel. But that assumes that Microsoft knew what was
right, and consciously made a decision to make a worse
interface. I'm not convinced they had the expertise to
make an educated decision -- or that they cared. If they
cared they could have hired the expertise (or would have
listened to them). So they may have done it different,
just to be different -- but I doubt they understood
enough about UI to know how bad it is. I think they just
want to "ship" and "win," and don't care about their
customers or the usability, beyond moving boxes and
making a buck.