

Closing a Window
not to do interface

Ease of use is about simplicity. The more complex, the
harder it is to use (by definition). That is just basic user
interface. Remembering that, lets compare the following:
On the Mac you press the close box
- You can use the File menu (close).
- Or you use the command key shortcut (Command-W) to
close, which is the same for every
The Mac has an interface flaw in
that the Command-Q (Quit) and Command-W (Close) are too
close together. It is easy to accidentally quit. The flaw
is minimalized by the fact that quit will ask you before
it will quit, if you have changes that you haven't saved,
and it is really more a flaw of Quit (rather than of
Close), but I want to make a point that the Mac is
certainly not flawless.
There are some complexities in dialogs, palettes, and so
on, so there is more to close -- but I'm not going into
those on either platform. But trust me, the Mac's ways of
closing dialogs (with buttons) is far simpler and clearer
than Windows, anyway.
Special Window Menu
On Windows you can use the special window menu
in the upper left of every window. This menu has
its own "close" window menu item.
- This is bad interface
- The menu doesn't look like
any other menu, or like anything at all. In fact a
similar complaint was given for the Apple menu, the
Application menu, and the older help ('?') menu on the
Mac -- but at least they were in the Menubar, giving
people a clue.
- The control changes from
Application to Application to always look like the
applications icon. So that means:
- it's not distinctive (as
a menu)
- it's not consistent
- it's not obvious what it
is for.
- This menu is not always
there. It is usually there but like everything in
windows, you can not count on it.
Of course, sometimes there are two of these
menu's; one for parent window (the Application
Window), one for the zoomed child window (the
Document Window).
- This is bad interface
- This is confusing since
users often think, "why two" of the same thing?
- This behavior adds errors
because, if you move up too high while using the
menus, the top menu drops down and obscures your
bottom menus. This forces the user to release the
mouse button, and try to hit their target
- But that error only happens
if you are using the menu's by holding the mouse down.
If you just click on the menus and move back and
forth, it won't automatically drop down the parents
window menu, but it will drop down the child's (if the
child window is zoomed). Which brings us back to
inconsistent. Some menus behave different than others,
- That child window menu isn't
always there -- it is only there if the child window
is zoomed. That means, "inconsistent" again. Sometimes
usually means "bad" in UI terms.
- You can double-click on either special menu's as a
"shortcut" for close -- but the two window menus do
different things (one exits the Application, the other
closes the File).
- This is bad interface
- The locality of position is
bad (you don't want two things too close together),
since a user could easily do the wrong action. Miss by
a couple of pixels and "drat!".
- Inconsistency: One control
closes the document, the other exits the program.
Different functions assigned to the same action -- not
a good idea.
- A control should not
have both single-click and a double-click action
(especially if one is a destructive action like
close). This is because users sometimes stutter
(double click by accident) or mice buttons
sometimes electrically stutter (called bounce). A
stutter while trying to bring down this menu (to move,
or maximize a window) may just make the whole window
or application go away.
- There is ALT-F4 to close the Application window
- There is CTRL-F4 to close the document window
- This is bad interface
- Notice the proximity of the
CTRL and ALT keys to each other. So trying to shortcut
one, is likely to result in the other. This will
increase confusion and accidents.
- Notice how hard it is to
reach either of these commonly used shortcuts using
only one hand? It is near impossible (on most
keyboards), and to do it, you must remove your hand
from resting on the home keys. You might as well just
use the mouse.
- Using ALT-space key is another shortcut to pull up
this special window menu for the application window only
(parent window), then you can use ALT-C for close (since
that is the underlined character).
- For the active child window you can use the intuitive
ALT-'-' key, then you can use ALT-C for close (since that
is the underlined character).
- This is bad interface
- ALT-space is not labeled
(because the design of using a small icon makes it
impossible to label, and using the space key makes it
impossible to show that as a shortcut since there is
nothing to display). The same for the
- Because this shortcut is not
labeled it is inconsistent (with all other menus) and
unclear (not obvious).
- ALT-space is not documented
well (not in help) -- most windows users don't know of
its existence at all -- proving it is not obvious nor
- ALT '-' is also not
documented well (if at all). Even fewer windows users
know of its existence.
- Of course the shortcut keys
for the two types of windows are different
(inconsistent ). The user has to know which type of
window they are thinking of before they use the
- To make matters worse if ALT
means parent and CTRL means child (as is the sequence
used for ALT or CTRL-F4), then the shortcut key for
the document window menu should be CTRL-space, which
it is not. In fact, all the child window menus use
CTRL, except for pulling the menu down. So it is
inconsistent in that way as well.
- In general, the use of a
common key (like the spacebar), should be used for a
common functions, or none at all, since it is too
easily pressed. Putting a common key, for an uncommon
function (like moving, closing or exiting) is not a
good idea.
- Once you have pulled up the special window menu (by
keyboard or mouse), you can often drop the "alt" for the
second character in the sequence and just press 'c' to
close. So "ALT-space, ALT-c" can also be "ALT-space, c".
A tad inconsistent, but this kind of flexibility (or
predicting errors) is not bad.
- This is bad interface
- While the alternate ways to
enter the sequence is not bad (and may be good), the
double sequence itself is bad since it requires
multiple steps to be what can be achieved in
- CTRL is an annoying modifier
key, since it is placed where you can't reach it
easily. On the Mac the command key is easily reachable
with either thumb (leaving your primary fingers on
home). On Windows you must remove a hand from home, or
do digital gymnastics with your little finger to reach
CTRL. The Windows key is inconsistant (on some
keyboards and not others), and I've seen the ALT key
placed on either side of the Windows keys. Again, on
Wintel boxes nothing is predictable.
- If you have pulled up this special window menu, you
can also use the arrow keys to move the selection down
until you get over the "close" in only 5 more steps, then
press return (for 6 steps).
- If you have pulled up this special window menu, you
can also use the arrow keys to move the selection up,
which causes the selection to wrap to the bottom, this
way you get over the "close" in only 2 or 3 steps
- This is bad interface
- And you thought double key
sequences were bad?! Way too many steps. They did this
as a way to allow the user to manipulate the menu's
from the keyboard -- but the problem is that some will
use this bad method, and decrease their productivity.
This trains the user on how to use the machine
improperly! This would be like allowing the seats in
your car to pivot so that it can face each other while
driving -- making it easier to hold a face-to-face
conversation. Not a good feature.
- Going the other way works a
little better, but is the opposite of intuitive. When
people see a menu that is down, they don't think of
moving up (and wrapping).
- To complicate things, the
parent and child windows have a different amount of
menu items (there is a 'next window' menu item in the
child windows), so you can never have a predictable
amount of steps. So a user can't memorize a sequence
because it changes.
File Menu
- There is a File Menu which also has it's own close
(but that only works for the active child window).
- If you want to exit (and close the parent window)
then there is a different menu item, named
- This is bad interface
- Since the file is a window,
and the application is a window, it is confusing
(inconsistent) that to close one you say close, and to
close the other you say exit, sometimes, and close
others. It gets weirder since the focus (the active
window) is not only the Application window (parent)
but also one of the document windows (child). This
means the user must be real cautious about what they
think the current focus is -- it is not just A window,
sometimes it is a window in a window (or two
- There is the File menu shortcut of CTRL-W to close
the active document window (child). But it is often a
different shortcut key. (I've seen all sorts or different
keys used for close, and sometimes none).
- Of course there is usually not a direct shortcut key
for exit, notice the, "usually."
- This is bad interface
- Obviously it is bad because
it is inconsistent key choices. Even Microsoft apps
aren't always one or the other. You get to guess, and
learn different shortcuts for each
- Also notice that closing one
window (child / document) has a shortcut, closing
another (parent / application) does not have a
shortcut. So it is inconsistent on whether it will
have that method of shortcut.
- There is usually the ALT-F (for file menu) and ALT-C
(for close) method, if you use that semi-standard
convention. (Similar, but different than the ALT-space,
ALT-C of before).
- And don't forget the ALT-F (for file menu) and ALT-X
(for exit) method, if you want to exit (close the parent
/ application window).
- This is bad interface
- Duplicate behavior. The more
choices a user has, the more confused about those
choices they are. It is always a balancing act in User
Interface to offer enough choices and features to be
useful, and not so many that it is bloated, confusing,
or overwhelming. MS windows is way
- Notice that ALT-C and ALT-X
are very similar to CTRL-C and CTRL-X (copy and cut).
There is something called muscle memory, where the
reflexes try to repeat commonly done actions. So in
interface you want to avoid using duplicates (like
this) as much as possible. Otherwise it breaks peoples
rhythm or causes accidents.
- Notice the intuitive use of
ALT-X for exit instead of ALT-E? I don't know why,
they "standard" is supposed to be to use the first
letter as the shortcut (if possible, and it was
possible). I think this was a Microsoft attempt to
avoid using a letter that would be used for anything
else, except the 'X' is one of the most common
keyboard shortcuts, the "cut".
- Once again, you can drop the 'alt' for the second
- Also, once again, you can use the arrow keys to move
the selection down until you get over the close, and
press return, in only 5 or 6 steps. Or more steps if you
want to hit the "exit".
- This is bad interface
- Again, redundant ways of
doing the same thing, with most of the choices being
bad training or behaviors. Imagine a new user watches
4 "power" users all use the system differently. Or try
to train themselves and have all these bad choices. It
is like wanted to get from point A to point B and
always having to traverse a maze with lots of
dead-ends, or winding paths that may eventually get
you where you are going, if you hack at it long
Close/Kill control
On Windows there is a close/kill control at the
upper right of every Window.
- This is bad interface
- The close in the right menu
works with a single-click of the mouse, the close/kill
on the left side of the window requires a
double-click, can you say "inconsistent?"
- Notice how conveniently
close the close/kill is to zoom control? This is so
that when you go to zoom (and miss) the application
window will go away and force you to reopen the
application (a time consuming process).
- Windows also use the corners
and edges to resize the window. The close kill is very
close to that, causing other accidents.
- Because of all the potential
for error, this forces users to move much slower when
doing things to avoid surprises. Ask windows users
about this, and they admit that they move slower and
more carefully to avoid this problem. Think of the
productivity wasted. Apple wisely places close and
zoom on opposite sides of the window to avoid such
- Remember, unneeded
redundancy is bad. There is a close on the left side
of a window, why one on the right side as well?
Of course sometimes there are two sets of
"close/kill" buttons, one for the Application
(parent) and one for the document (child).
- This is bad interface
- Not only is the close of the
child window close to zoom controls, but now it is
also close to the application close (kill). So when
you try to close the document, or unzoom it, you often
kill the whole application. And likewise, when you go
to unzoom the App Window, you often miss, and close
the document, or only unzoom the child window instead.
Think of all the possibilities for error. This is evil
and incompetent placement, and is the FIRST thing you
learn to avoid (in User Interface).
- But note: this second
close/kill is not always there, it is only sometimes
there. This means that users are either surprised when
it is there, or surprised when it isn't. (The brain
expects patterns and consistency -- not lots of
Other "shortcuts"
- Using the right mouse button you can click in the
taskbar (for an application) and "close" the Application
Window (Parent).
- The right mouse button, while clicking in the content
of some windows, may bring up a menu that has a close
menu, it may not. Usually if you do that on the title bar
of Application window, it does bring up that close menu,
which has all the options and ways for closing as before
(arrows and return, 3 different other key sequences, and
so on). I'm being generous by not counting them
- This is bad interface
- This behavior does not work
for child-windows, only parent windows.
- Notice the strategic change
from "exit" the parent (in the file menu), to "close"
the parent (used almost everywhere else)? Terms are
inconsistent. Imagine a new user asking, what is the
difference between closing the application and exiting
- Just for fun, holding the
right mouse button down does not work a menu the same
way it does when holding the left-mouse button down.
To work the right mouse button menu's, you must
release the button before the contextual menu will
appear. Which is inconsistent with all other
- To kill the application, you can use CTRL-ALT-DELETE.
This will close the application, but of course it is
called end task.
- This whole interface is
bad since:
- You must also remember that
parent-child only exists sometimes. Then you have
whole exceptions to the rules like Explorer (File
Explorer, not Internet Explorer), which doesn't have a
parent window or a Menubar like every other
application. Exceptions on top of exceptions -- this
is the opposite of consistency.
- Like everything in Windows
there are rules, and then the exceptions. Nothing
seems to be a rule. This is bad interface.
These are only the ways of closing a Window that I
know of. I'm sure that there are more. So the score is 3
(Mac) to more than 20 (Windows), with the lowest score
usually being best.
Of course, the Mac can do various forms of quit
(which will close its windows too) but the behavior is
distinctive since it is not ever called close. Windows
refers to "closing" an application (parent Window), so I
treat it accordingly.
When talking to many windows users about closing windows
(or other functionality) they will admit that they adapt by
only using the easiest few ways to close windows (and that
they don't know most of the ways to close windows. Meaning
most ways are unneeded or bad). Or Windows users adapt by
moving slower to avoid mistakes (like around the upper right
close, zoom or shrink boxes). But that is still a way for
them to adjust to a bad interface.
The problem is that most people accept the idiocy of
interface, and loss of productivity, without blaming
Microsoft. They adapt to what is bad! And humans are
amazingly good at adaptation, which is why windows doesn't
seem as bad an interface as it really is. But we need to
stop adapting to it -- and start demanding that IT
adapt to us (and that bad interface should be fixed).
Some people naively think more is better. You aren't
forced to use those other ways. In interface this is almost
never the case -- one good way is better than 12 bad ones.
Remember that most ways to close windows are fairly complex,
with multiple steps, so people don't use them. (They are
less than worthless). If people do use those ways, then they
reduce their productivity. (Still no value added). Many of
these ways just increase the likelihood of errors --
meaning they reduce productivity for people that don't use
them (intentionally). And throughout all these methods there
is an increase in complexity and a lack of consistency (both
in how they work, and whether they will be implemented by an
individual application or not).
Imagine you are a new user, and you ask four
different people to explain how to close a window. Do you
mean a parent window, or a child window? What if there is
no child window? Do I close an application or exit? What
are the chances that any two users will give you the same
answer? Not likely. Imagine you are unsure of yourself,
all those choices are confusing and overwhelming. Bad
Of course a bad "window close" interface is only one
example (among many) of how Microsoft just does not have a
clue about User Interface, or else they don't care. There
are as many rules, exceptions, and special conditions for
almost every function of all Microsoft's products.
For fun count how many
ways there are to resize a window in MS-Windows, I gave
up after the count went over 30. Most of these ways just
increase the likelihood of errors (and loss of
If you care about interface, whenever you make a mistake,
look to see if it is your fault, or if the control/action
was poorly defined and it was really the designers failure.
Microsoft users don't seem to understand that most basic
concept; that the computer should adapt to THEM, and not
make them adapt to it. But that is the whole point of a good
user interface.
The point of this (and all
articles in the Interface section) is not to imply that
the Mac is perfect. It is not. There are many little
consistency problems, or interface "bugs", and ways to
improve behaviors on all machines (including Mac).
But there are differences in degrees of usability as
well. And for every one Macintosh flaw (or every 2 or 3
NeXT or BeOS or Acorn interface flaws), there are usually
50 Windows flaws. These problems with quality are what
polarize the rest of the world against Microsoft and