The press has crucified Apple for years - despite their results.

Ever since 1981 people
have been saying that Apple is doomed - while Apple has just
grown and gotten better. Since the begining of the Mac it
was "a toy" that would never succeed or get any sales - and
here it is 13 years later, still leading the
So here are some historical quotes
- all predicting Apple's immediate failure - yet the Facts
(see charts) tell a different reality than is read in the
Remember this is the same company
that got a Buisiness week article entitled "The fall of an
Icon" last year. Read the quotes and compare them to unit
sales or dollar sales from the same time frame and the
reports are almost funny - if it wasn't for the fact that
these lazy reporters are harming the platform on which I
base my career, and on which many people have come to
Apples Sales in Billions
of Dollars/year

Apples Sales in
1,000,000's of Units/Year

"Apple is still a one-product company that keeps failing
at corporate sales "- R. A. Shaffer, Personal Computing, May
"In an effort to reverse its sliding earnings..." -
Business Week, July 1, 1985
"Rumors of apple takeover refuse to go away..." - San
Jose Mercury News, July 1, 1985
"According to industry analysts, Apple Computer's cost
cutting measures�will not completely reverse its sagging
fortunes" - Computerworld, June 24, 1985
"�Apple sans [Steve] Jobs will be just another company."
- New York Times, September 22, 1985
"�plunging Apple sales" - PC Week, Feb 6, 1989
"Apple Computer Inc. � has lost some momentum. �.
Analysts are expecting Apple's sales growth to slow even
further�" - The Washington Post, July 19, 1989
"Apple customer defection to IBM and compatible products
is growing� reason is the improving price competitiveness of
IBM and compatible products." - Computerworld, Dec 18, 1989
"�unfocused marketing efforts, new-product delays and
plunging profits. Existing product lines are clearly showing
signs of advanced age..." Los Angeles Times, February 8,
"[Apple's financial] results show the difficulty of
increasing that share for proprietary firms versus the more
open-system companies." - The Business Journal-San Jose,
April 23, 1990
"[Apple] has increasingly found that it is trailing, not
leading, the computer industry in innovation� the consensus
is that Apple must act quickly." - The New York Times,
August 10, 1990
"New Macs won't lift Apple's bottom line" - PC Week,
October 15, 1990
"Apple Computer Inc. is launching a new family of
low-cost Macintoshes to recover the market share it lost�
Analysts doubt that Apple's machines or its marketing are up
to the job." - ELECTRONIC BUSINESS, September 17, 1990
"�with its shrinking market share, Apple was beginning to
lose the support of software companies, which want to
develop new programs for computers with large sales" - The
New York Times, October 12, 1990
"PC managers say it's too late for the Mac. Apple's
market share in the US desktop market is � an estimated 10
percent in 1990." - PC Week, January 7, 1991
"Sales of [Macintosh computers] increased, but the price
cuts obviously hurt profit figures" - PC Week, May 27, 1991
"The popularity of cheap Windows-based IBM-compatible
systems even haspushed Apple Computer Inc. to deeply mark
down its machines, long the pricest in the business." - The
Washington Post, March 10, 1992
"�with the popularity of Microsoft Corp.'s
Windows cutting into Apple's ease-of-use claims,
Apple executives can no longer ignore PC pricing" - The
Business Journal-San Jose, July 27, 1992
"Apple Computer is in crisis again�" - Los Angeles Times
, June 20, 1993
"Today's announcement�raises fresh doubts about whether
Apple's go-it-alone tradition can survive� " - The New York
Times, July 7, 1993
"Apple, is desperately seeking a winner." - The New York
Times, July 30, 1993
"�putting Apple back on course may be difficult�questions
about the vitality of Apple as the computer maker heads into
a six-month period that many in the industry say will
determine whether it can recover." - The New York Times,
October 1, 1993
"Apple's troubles exploded outward like a beautiful old
farmhouse eaten away by termites. The hardware and
Software vendor paid the price for having
technological visions deeper and richer than its aging,
overpriced product line." - The Business Journal-San Jose,
January 3, 1994
"[Apple's market] share has been eroded by various makers
of IBM-compatible machines" - Business Journal-Milwaukee,
March 19, 1994
"A respected Apple analyst [said that Apple] could 'go
down the tubes' or wind up 'a niche player' in the huge
computer industry if it doesn't find a manufacturing partner
within 60 days." - Boston Globe , August 3, 1994
"�Apple Computer Inc. reported earnings today that fell
far short of Wall Street's expectations, even though they
surged nearly fourfold. �The results came as rumors again
circulated about the possibility of a partial or complete
takeover of the company by Canon Inc� " - The New York
Times, April 21, 1995
"Analysts remain doggedly pessimistic about Apple
Computer Inc�All year, Apple has been a rumored takeover
target. Suitors have included IBM Corp., Hewlett-Packard
Co., Oracle Corp., Sony Corp. and Motorola Inc." - Business
Journal-San Jose, December 11, 1995
"Following the brouhaha about Sun's possible takeover of
the company�confidence in [Apple Computer] plunged." -