Dojo (HowTo)
8/97 -- Big News at MacWorldExpo - Expect 350mhz 604exr from Apple, new machines from everyone else (PowerComputing, UMAX/SuperMac, Tatung, Motorola, etc.), and amazing accellerators from NewerTechnology (and others?).
5/97 -- UMAX makes sub-$1000 machine - Bigger,
Better, Faster, Cheaper. The way of computers. UMAX
is offering the first Sub $999 Mac system
Buisinesswire. Its a 140mhz 603e called the C500LT/140. See
SuperMacs' Site. 5/97 -- Apple has announced the 2400 sub-Laptop, created with IBM. -
4/4/97 -- 6500's are available, and are fast! Up to 300mhz with twice the performance of MMX -
2/2/97 -- Apples 20th Anniversary Mac - The UberComputer (Code named Sparticus) is selling for a mere $7500. A combination of power and industrial design delight. 250Mhz with Video input, TV, awesome sound (and FM-Tuner), flat panel display, 32mb RAM/2 GIG HD. Comes with Concierge service, a 3 year warranty, with leather trim and seating for 5. Limited quantity (12,000 units). Wish I could afford one.