Response to Dave Winer
I respond to his response, and more!

Dave Responds - DaveNet
First, I'm going to
ignore the disrespect. I ask that all others who read
Scripting News do the same.
That is fair and good. I did try to make it clear that I
was attacking the arguments and not Dave personally -- but I
did not succeed. I would hope that someone who throws around
opinions would have a thick enough skin to take a little
back. But honestly, I may have gone over the top, a little.
Never forget, this is the Internet -- and my response
was mild compared to most flames (I left his heredity out of
it). I was focusing on the articles and views, and mentioned
that a couple of times!
The author, David K.
Every, got the chronology wrong. We started development of
Frontier in 1988, long before the Apple Event Manager or
AppleScript. We shipped UserLand IAC Toolkit in 1989,
predating the Apple Event Manager by a couple of years.
Frontier shipped in January 1992 long before
Dave wrote a response to my article on DaveNet. He was
very polite, especially in the face of what I had written. I
must say I really respected his politeness more than
anything else I have seen from him. However, that doesn't
mean that I agree with his points.
Dave stated that I had my time line wrong about
AppleScript vs. Frontier. He was half right. I edited out
the full story due to size. I couldn't express everything I
wanted (or I would have ended up recreating War &
Peace). But my points were still 100% on the mark.
I pointed out that Apple was coming out with System7,
which had AppleEvents (or later 7.1 and AppleScript). Dave
took that to mean RELEASED those products. Dave
filled in the dates on when the products were RELEASED!
It does not matter when Apple released them, what matters
is when were Apple's intentions known (to create them).
Whether Dave released his product first or not is not the
point -- the point was when did others have the ability to
know about AppleEvents and AppleScript (to know that they
were going to be competing with you).
I remember talking to Apple people about IAC
(inter-application-communications -- basically AppleEvents)
in the mid 80's. In fact, I remembered (and verified) that
on the Inside Mac Volume V (first printing circa 1988),
there is a picture of the MacII motherboard with System7
ROM's. So they were already talking (in depth) about the
feature set of System 7 and its' existence in 1988 -- it had
been partly developed before then (but mostly only design
work). Part of that feature set was AppleEvents and
AppleScript (though schedules do slip, sometimes a lot). Is
it reasonable to assume that if System 7 was being worked on
for a year (or more), and AppleEvents was a key part of
System 7, that AppleEvents would have been known about? I
think so. I do remember hearing about them in this time
frame. How firm they were (as far as designed) is not known
-- but that they were going to be done WAS known.
AppleScript was originally going to be part of System7
(from my understanding), but slipped -- a lot. It didn't
make it out until System 7.1pro (I think '92 or '93), but I
knew of the goal since before System7 shipped.
So basically AppleEvents and AppleScript were known about
(as a concept) in 1988 time frame (at least). Which was my
point. So UserLand IAC Toolkit in '89 and Frontier in '92
were long AFTER AE and AS were known about. My point
The point is even more valid, because even if Apple had
not preannounced their plans (they had), it would still be
obvious that IAC (which existed for decades before), and
scripting (again decades before) were both not new concepts.
They were both something that would add value to the OS, and
would obviously be part of Apple's long term OS plans. So
you would have to know that you were going to be competing
with Apple "someday".
But again, do not trust me. Talk to people that were
there. Make sure. Learn about the concept of IAC (which I
was programming about 6 years earlier on VAX'es and DG's),
or learn about scripting (same thing). It would have been
reasonable to assume that Apple was going to move in to
these markets.
The heads-up Mr. Every
assumes, wasn't there. In fact, there were serious
discussions with Apple that they would license the Software
from us.
It was there, if you wanted to see it.
Furthermore, this statement PROVES that Dave had prior
warning that they were going to come in to his market,
because they were negotiating for his software. That's kinda
a big hint. But like I said, it was in the plans long before
Apple got around to implementing it.
Also, we made Frontier
fully compatible with AppleScript. So the author's assertion
that we stood in the path of AppleScript was
I did not say, "stood in the path of". I only said that
"instead of seeing Apple as 'giving him the ability to add
value to AppleScript' and 'making scripting more common
place,' he just resented Apple for daring to come into
his market." Frontier ended up
being compatible with AppleScript. But I was stating that
Dave could have seen AppleScript as validation for his
product and marketplace -- but instead saw it as a threat
(at least that is how I judge his response). He could have
worked with Apple, instead of against them.
Results of the post!
This is a warning,
never say anything negative about Dave Winer on the web,
unless you are ready to receive 100's of email's agreeing
with you.
Life is not a popularity contest! If most of the articles
had been negative, I still would not care -- I express my
opinions, and others do not have to agree. I am sure that is
one point that Dave Winer and I agree on. But disagreeing
with me was not the way things came down.
First let me say, "Thanks for all the support and
encouragement". Based on the amount of support my article
generated, it is safe to say that "Daves' opinions and
attitude seem to have made a lot of people angry."
The article was just intended as a little "venting" piece
by me, but it generated as much email as anything else I've
done. After realizing how many eMails I was getting I
started scoring. Hopefully, you will take the hint and be
happy with the score, and not swamp me in more email (either
Here is the way it did come down --
Not Strong Enough - 5
There were 5 different people that sent me eMail stating
that I was too soft! "You shouldn't have apologized at the
end, makes it wimpy". As if my tone wasn't harsh enough.
They thought Dave deserved a lot more.
"Good Article" Responses - 86
"DaveNet really is the
biggest example of mental masturbation I've seen in a long
time -- and I was a Literature major in college. So I've
seen -- and done -- my fair share" -- someone who asked not
to be named.
These were people that said, "Great Article", "Finally",
etc. If there was a single "but" in there, it got pushed the
next category down. There were many here who were on Dave's
email list, and asked not to be quoted or mentioned because
they didn't want to get in "another" argument with Dave.
Based on those emails, it seems that he doesn't handle
criticism well at all. One person said that he was kicked
off of Dave's list because he questioned him. There was a
strong consensus of "about time that someone said that
stuff" and that Dave is arrogant and a blow-hard (of course
some say that about me as well). A few did state that, early
on, Dave had some insight and philosophy mixed in, but that
the tone has shifted to more "Pro-MS" and "Anti-Apple" crap
than they could stomach, and they had canceled their
subscriptions, or were about to.
Mediocre Responses - 11
"DaveNet was funny and
insightful once but it's become less relevant as Dave's
monstrous ego grew larger along with his circulation." --
different person that also asked "not to be named".
These that stated that they agreed with my points, but
not my delivery (grammar, spelling, or tone). They believe
that I was a little over-the-top -- but many said, "But Dave
is a blow-hard" or other terms. Fair enough. I reread the
piece and it is a little "flaming" in its delivery -- so
they do have a point.. But the article is also fairly well
focused on attacking Dave Winers VIEWS and not him
personally or his products. So it is more a perception
I do want to say that
my piece proves ono of my pet points -- that "any idiot with
a computer (megaphone) can get his message out there." My
information should be checked and verified as ALL
information on the net. I think over time, readers will
learn to trust my concepts and my points, but I am by no
means perfect. These are my informed OPINIONS, mixed with
the facts -- as I see them. Verify! Validate! Question! If
it doesn't make sense to you, then check it out. Whether it
is by me or others. I try to stress that, a LOT! It's
very important to remember. I was around during all this,
and I make mistakes -- imagine what reporters could do to
the facts!
The "older" internet and BBS
culture tends to have a "No Bullshit", "Take no prisoners"
attitude. Cut to the chase, tell it like it is, and flame
the idiots and troglodytes. I have been around for a while,
and as such, may have some of these "rough" edges. Old
timers chuckle and understand, newbies can be amazed or
shocked. The reality is that us old-timers have to learn to
temper our words and live in the NEW society (more
main-stream internet). It is also that the newbies will
learn to adapt as well, and we will meet somewhere in the
middle. For some I went over the top, and I understand that.
Some things I said were not "nice". I consider that life is
not nice, so the truth is not always nice, and I am willing
to accept any flames Dave thows my way (but refute any
factual errors). That's the old internet. It is time for us
old-timers to grow, and I will try to be careful in the
future (delivery), but I will still not water down the
truth. I hope this article is better.
Negative Responses - 4
There were a few negative responses -- two of the
negative responses were from one guy. These were ones like
"you were rude, and got the facts all wrong". One of the
flames seemed to ignore what I wrote and implied that I was
stating that Dave should not be free to speak his mind on
the net, and that he liked DaveNet because Dave was willing
to tell it like it is. (I guess those rules of engagement
don't apply to me).
It would be hypocrisy for me to state that Dave shouldn't
be free to express his opinions, and I am no hypocrite (lots
of other things, but not that). Dave should be allowed to
speak his mind, and I should be free to "flame" him for his
opinions. That is what free speech is about -- free to
speak, even when you DON'T like it. I understand that
people are going to flame me for my opinions, and I am sure
Dave is mature enough (both internet wise, and in real life)
to realize that as well.
In fact, years from
now, if I am arrogant (more so) and out of touch with the
readers of MacKiDo, I'm probably going to have some "snotty
up-start," crucifying me for the bad articles I write. Oh,
well. Call it karma.
A couple of others were concerned that I didn't express
the good points of DaveNet, or of Frontier. That's fair. I
dodged discussing Dave's mail list because I am not
subscribed. I do see a few of his articles (about 1 a
month), and almost all of those (probably 20 total) have
gotten on my nerves. That is not a fair sampling
(statistically), but good enough for me to base an opinion
on. I have yet to see a really good statement from him in
the press. As for Frontier, I do not have experience with
it. Yet almost every eMail I received that mentioned it said
the same basic thing "it is neat, powerful, quirky, Dave is
not welcome to feedback, and it is not tailored for
end-users." Many said they used it for a while, but then
went to Perl or C, others said they absolutely loved it. I
personally do not know -- but I do know that AppleScript
(and presumably frontier) have useful functionality for
Some of the positive articles stated things like "the
reason Frontier was not a commercial success, was because
Dave didn't adapt it quick enough to work with desktop
publishing Apps". Again -- I do not know, but everyone's got
an opinion. It makes life interesting.
The most valid slam was that I "used only the points from
Dave's articles that proved my point." Well obviously that
would be true, I wouldn't be much of a writer if I used only
quotes that didn't prove my point, or worse, ones that
proved me wrong. The problem is that for brevity, you have
to edit, and can't say all that you are thinking. But by not
writing everything, then someone will find those "omissions"
and think you are trying to hide or distort something. I
wasn't trying to do that -- but that is almost always how it
looks. Cie'st la vie. I couldn't address every point, so I
cherry picked the few that I felt demonstrated best what I
was talking about.
I will try to end this article on the same note as the
first article --
There are certainly a
lot of people that have opinions on Dave Winer. I think most
of that is because he has been asking for it, by being "the
world's expert on everything." Many feel the same about me
-- so I can't fault him for that -- it's just that I
personally think that he is a bad expert. If he made
people think in positive ways, and about new things -- then
I wouldn't have a problem. I just think his stuff is usually
about negative things (about Apple), and getting frustrated
over ancient issues.
A few tended to confuse their
hatred of Dave's many articles (or ePersona), with Dave
himself (or thought I was doing the same). That is dangerous
and wrong, and I do not agree with it. Keep the two
separate. Even if I was not perfect in the first article (or
even this one), I want to attack the points, not the person.
Just because the logic is flawed does not make the person
bad (or good). Heck, I have many liberal friends -- and they
put up with me, and I them. I still disagree with Dave's
ideas (most of what I've read) -- but let's not foster hate,
spam, etc. Live and let live. If you have a problem with the
opinions, attack THEM, not him -- and preferably at the time
he writes them. Well, maybe a few jabs, otherwise it
wouldn't feel like the internet -- but mostly the
I am fully vented now, and feel
much better.
 Anonymous Letter --
[You can quote this anonymously if you like, just OMIT MY
NAME. I do not want to get into yet another flame war with
I read with interest your MacKiDo Temple article
(referenced on MacInTouch). I was on the AppleScript
engineering team from 1991-93. Dave's rebuttal to your
article is largely accurate on timing, although I don't
recall seeing his IAC stuff until 1990, and in any
case it was announced _after_ Apple announced
AppleEvents to developers. I have no idea whether he ever
met with Apple about buying his technology; that was before
my time. I can say that if they were anything like the
"serious discussions" he had with Apple execs later on, they
must have consisted of a series of outraged, lengthy emails
from Dave to every exec in sight, moving up the chain of
command as each exec decided that Dave was a fool and
stopped responding.
During development of AS, we tried very hard to
accommodate Dave, and it was incredibly painful, like
reasoning with a street crazy. His goal was that we abandon
our technology and use his (or cancel the project and let
him ship Frontier unimpeded). Anything less, including
opening up our architecture to make Frontier a full peer of
AppleScript in the Open Scripting Architecture, was still
nearly impossible to get him to accept. It always seemed to
be Doug Baron (his tech lead) who seemed to do all the
actual work while Dave ranted -- who ended up convincing him
to go along with us. So every step of the way -- from using
Apple Events, to using the Object Model, to using scripting
components -- Dave would complain endlessly that our
approach wouldn't work and was stupid and would kill his
product, then after many contentious meetings and emails
would reveal that Doug had implemented it after all.
So while UserLand did make Frontier compatible with
AppleScript, it was with Dave kicking and screaming all the
way, losing any shreds of respect any people at Apple -- or
other developers working with AppleEvents/AppleScript -- may
have had for him for his past contributions. (BTW, "MORE"
was at least as much the work of Dave's brother Peter, who's
his complete opposite in temperament.)
My favorite anecdote was when we were putting together
the alpha release of AppleScript and discovered at nearly
the last minute that the new version of the Apple Event
Manager broke Frontier (due to Frontier's slight misuse of
an obscure Apple Event call.) We added a read-me and
provided a last-minute untested new build of the AE Manager
that worked around the problem. Dave went totally nonlinear
and spent hours yelling on the phone with several people on
the team and with management. His complaint was that we
*shouldn't* have put anything on the CD acknowledging the
problem or offering a work around, that this somehow was a
disparagement of his product -- we should have left it as it
was and made Frontier crash with no explanation. I couldn't
grasp his logic at the time and certainly can't five years
He hasn't gotten any better. In addition to his absurd
ideas, I have to say that his prose style is awful and
that's another reason I don't read DaveNet.
~anonymous member of AppleScript team.