

- Chris Angelotti
- Joe Balducci
- Amir Bozorgzadeh
- Brent Brown
- Tim Cary
- CG
- Hubert Chan
- Guy Chapman
- Alice Clara
- Doug Clink
- CLWeinrich
- Jeff Cooper
- William Corbin
- B. Taahra Corwin
- Jason Cutler
- Judith Dale
- Denum
- Dr. Mac
- Tom Droste (for keeping me up to date in the world of
comics and everything else in Germany)
- Tony Edwards
- Maite Elguero
- Evan
- Dave Fair
- Earlene Fiori
- Josh Forman
- John Glasscock
- David Glasser
- Dave Glover
- Victor Goodpasture
- Ben Greene
- Tom Gunter
- Karen D. Halloran
- John Haumesser
- Gordie Hayduk
- Anthony Hess
- Glenn Howes
- Immorta (My Australian Contact :-)
- Jeff Iverson
- Brent J
- Nicole Jacque
- George A. Jager
- John (nabeel)
- Bill Johnston
- Karla Jones
- JT
- kclc at [email protected]
- Irene King
- Aleks Kobilarov
- Scott Koenig
- Rodney O. Lain
- Larry at [email protected]
- Ming Lee
- Jerald Levinson
- Jim Lewis
- Richard Locke
- Ltmacman
- Ryan Lundebrek
- Jim McCauley
- Robin L. McClish
- Kenneth McGee
- Bruce McIntosh
- Joshua McKinney
- Andrew Macklin
- Mason Mathews
- Joe Moog
- Cary Nettles
- Collin Ong
- Susie P
- Clifton Patrick
- Jason Pettis
- Colin Pye
- Rocky J. Reuter
- Ritholtz
- RLCrabbe
- Karl Sakas
- Jonathan Sanderson
- Adam Schaefer
- Magnus Seter
- Amanda Shirk
- Erik Smith
- Scott Stevenson
- Rick Stricker
- George Stuart
- Ann Szwarc
- Rob Taylor
- Harold Tessman III
- Hans Verhoeven (My Dutch contact in Switzerland
- Cecily Walker
- Ryan Walker
- J. David Wegley
- Stuart Weiser
- WHShack
- Andrew Williams
- Don Wolff
- Stephen Woolverton
- Fabio M. Zambelli (My Italian contact)
...and everyone else on the MacMarines
and Evangelist
mailing lists. Thanks to Eric Frierson for being a dork.
Cheerleading by Amanda Cotten and Don MacConnel. Religious
Interpretation by Ben Bargagliotti. Constant Interruptions
by Ginger the Dog. Caffeine provided by Mountain Dew. Thanks
also to our supporters: