

History: MacKiDo - 2
MacKiDo has evolved: Frames

-- up to March 7, 1997
My big foray into frames. It lasted a week or so.
I was able to achieve a look that I wanted, but users
could not link to sub pages easily (or they would lose my
control strip on the left if they did). Or there is a
tehnique where you can manually put the correct URL in the
browser, but then if people actually link (bookmark) that
page, then they don't get the other frames. This means that
you have to include extra controls in the page to so that
they can still get around your site. There are lots of
intracasies dealing with links and targets -- and many break
down people want to link to anything other than a topic
Frames made the site faster (in some ways), and was
easier for me to maintain the site -- but was harder for
users. I have yet to see anything they do for users except
confuse them. Plus I had to maintain a non-frame version of
the pages as well (which wasn't getting kept up to date),
for all the non-Frame browsers -- and there went all those
supposed gains and making it "easier for me".
I decided quickly that frames are a bad idea for
web-sites, and I have yet to see them done really well.
Maybe if HTML/Frames had been designed better, they would be
usable, but I don't beleive anyone who has more than a few
pages should consider frames. And if you have only a few
pages, then there are no site-maintenance reasons to use
them either.
I had also given up on keeping everything flat
(accessible from one home page). I was just adding way too
much stuff. So I broke the home page down into topics
(sub-indexes), not just one big long list from the home
By this time I was deciding on adding in a
"MacDojo", where I could teach people things that
they couldn't find on other sites. (Rhapsody and User
Interface info got stuffed in there). Also other sites
started putting up Rhapsody information and some
Rhapsody-Only sites, so I decided to only add more
information on Rhapsody, if I could add something to the
discussions (instead of repeating what was available
I also added in little icons for each section and
smoothed the banner. I don't believe in lots of graphics --
it's the content that counts. But icon size picture don't
take much time / space, and were fun to do. It also gives
the illusion of much more "graphical" interface than there
really is.
I had thrown my URL around a bit (and registered with the
search engines), and was getting the hit count up. I had
gotten almost 5,000 hits. Which was nearly double a week or
two before.

- Frame are evil! Avoid them
unless you are a HTML Guru. If you are, then there are
far better ways to solve your problems anyway. (Which
I'll get into)
- Be willing to break long pages
into seperate pages. Don't go too deep, nor too flat.
- Keep focused, and don't try to
do it all. If someone else is doing something better than
you (in one area), then add value and content in other
- Don't go Graphics crazy --
remember like 'KISS' (Keep It Simple
Stupid) -- well, on the Internet that should be,
"It's the CONTENT, stupid!"
- Register with Search Engines.
All of them -- they can help.
- Keep breaking things into
sub-groupings/topics as things grow.