

propagate and attack out of kindness

The Setup
A friend and client of mine sent me a well intended email
for me to "pass on" to others. (I will include the copy of
the email at the end of this article). Basically the letter
described how horrible the treatment of Women is in
Afghanistan is, and about how they are stoned to death for
accidentally showing any part of themselves (or even
speaking) in public, and how they are all basically hiding
out in their homes (with the windows blacked out for fear of
being seen) and starving to death or dying of depression. It
goes on to explain how it is so bad that all the world help
organizations are leaving the area out of disgust. It does a
very passionate plea to our humanity to help them out, by
adding your name to a list of people, and forwarding this
email to as many people as you can -- after 50 names are
collected in the list, you are supposed to send the results
of this "petition" back to 2 addresses (workers for the
U.N.) to "help".
The Problems
About 20 warning bells should have gone off.
Whenever someone is trying to motivate you to do
something (like email, call, etc.) you should think "why?"
I'm not saying you shouldn't care -- just think first. What
are they trying to get me to do, and why? What are the
results going to be?
If I send this email to 5 people, and assume that
everyone along the line has done the same, how many emails
will that create at the end, and how valid will the
information be? Well, lets do the math (roughly). If each
person sent the email to 5 other people, for 50 iterations,
that would result in something like
1,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 total emails
(plus or minus a couple zeros). That is a hell of a lot of
spam -- enough to hit every person on earth a few
quintillion times. If you got one email a second it would
take you a billion years to finish that task. At the end,
everyone was supposed to hit these poor two email addresses
with this "petition" -- and considering each email is about
10K long (with a long passage and 50 signatures) you'd be
sending a whopping total of a decillion bytes of data
(10^34). That would bring any server to it's knees and turn
it into smoldering heap of whimpering silicon -- not to
mention those poor individuals trying to get their actual
email through that deluge of spam data. Does this sound like
a compassionate petition to you? And what if you know more
than 5 people? What if the average is more like 10 or 15
people? My computer screamed in agony at that math (actually
it was just a measly 6 x 10^68).
And how about the information itself? A nice simple
petition right? Well, if you are sending the list to 5
people, then your name is repeated 5 times, and will be
included in every email from that point on. As will the
people after you (in each of their respective branches). The
end results are for each of the emails that the poor target
victims gets, there is only 1 unique name, in each 10
kilobytes of data. Boy, I'm sure they really appreciate the
heck out of that. That isn't a petition -- even if they
cared (which presumably they do not), it would be a game of
where's Waldo try to find the unique name (which is always
the last one), the other 49 names in each email you get you
will have seen before (or soon will). So there is no way to
collect the names, even if they wanted to -- and of course
email petitions are too easy to spoof names with, so no one
cares how many names you can stick in an email.
The Truth?
Some Islamic fundamentalists don't exactly treat their
Women the same way we do. I don't doubt that there are
extremists in Afghanistan -- or that there aren't real
problems there -- there are. The email is pretty much true
about the problem itself. There are also pockets of ugly
problems like that in Iran as well, and a few other extreme
cultures. However, one of the altruisms about humanity is
that inhumanity and intolerance exists everywhere (to
varying degrees).
Of course, once again, when judging another cultures
fanatics, it is always a good idea to shine the light of
truth into our own shadowy closets and have a look around at
our extremist fringe. We didn't exactly have equal rights
for Women that long ago. (Though at least we weren't killing
the flappers for being immoral). So we are what -- 50 or 100
years more advanced at most when it has taken mankind like
20,000 years to reach this point? Not exactly a significant
difference. They'll change, or die out -- natural selection
can be a good thing. And while some countries/cultures do
barbaric things like Africa's tribal traditions which
mutilating their Women's genitals (removal of extra "skin")
-- we are only have to look at our own barbaric traditions
of mutilating our infant boys genitals (though our
circumcision is significantly less invasive, it is still
just a barbaric tribal/religious mutilation). People in
glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. So lets turn a
negative somewhere else, that we can't do anything about
(except vilify some other culture) into a positive at home
-- and look at how we can improve ourselves. Hypocrisy is
universal -- as is externalizing problems and looking at
someone else's issues so we can avoid addressing our
We should know the story is exaggerated -- and
if the conditions of Women were as bad as they say in the
email, then they would probably die off as a
species/culture in a generation or two (as there would be
no Women left). And being an all male (or nearly) society
would probably change their attitudes about Women for the
better (and maybe their attitudes about livestock for the
worse). I don't really have a problem with the stupid
cultures dying out in this way. I sort of feel the same
about China, India and cultures when Americans are
whining about letting them choose the gender of their
children (through medical technology) because they favor
boys. So what? Let their culture have a few generations
of mostly men, and they will suddenly learn to appreciate
the rarer commodity (Women). Women are probably less
valued today because traditionally the Men all would go
off to war, go hunting, kill each other in bar room
brawls or high risk behaviors that got them killed -- and
so traditionally made Men the rarer (and more valued)
commodity. They'll get over it without our intervention.
So I don't doubt it exists -- I just don't think that it
will last very long. But I'm getting way off topic.
How it should be done
There are some that are going to think, "but couldn't the
email be sincere?". It could be -- but it is an absolute
moronic way to attack the problem. If I want to endear
someone to my cause, I somehow doubt a chain letter and
mountain of unsolicited emails (all with the same
information) is going to make them my friend, or bend them
to my cause. I am more likely to create an enemy to my
cause, and myself. The means to an end matter. Spamming some
people, and bringing their whole organizations email down
and wasting tons of Internet bandwidth that could be better
serving humanity doing just about anything else, is not a
good means.
If someone wanted to draw your attention to a real
problem then a solution would be to put up a website with a
petition. The results of the website method would be a
compiled list with each persons name only once. On the same
website you could have far more information about the
subject -- with more links, and verification, and so on --
in other words you could really convert people to your
cause. And the creators of the website would have compile
the list and have the names on file for good -- instead of
the spam/chain letter where no one knows how many people (or
who) really care. That website could even target the right
people -- which is far more likely to be OUR leadership or
politicians, rather than two poor SODs at the U.N. directly.
Think of the amount of collective bandwidth that would save
humanity, and how much an improvement in quality of message
(and delivery) that would be. If the website wasn't getting
enough attention, then spamming just the URL and telling
people to add their name to a web petition would be far more
productive, effective, and beneficial form of spam -- and it
would take less than a few billion years to come to
Sheer logic dictates that this had to be either an attack
(on the target email addresses) or some little spammer that
wanted to start a chain letter just to see millions of well
meaning people forward their trash around the world forever.
It gives the small minded a sense of power for doing small
acts. It took me a couple hours to send emails to the target
addresses and verify that at least one doesn't exist (the
other got no response). But the spammers prey on people and
assume that they will be so impassioned by the message that
they will drop all skepticism and reason, and any
rudimentary research or thought, and forward the message on
(because they trust the friend that passed the message on to
them, and the message is so urgent that it can't wait for
I certainly support ostracizing countries that have such
disregards for civil rights. So I do respect the goal of
making people aware of such problems, and trying to address
them. I especially think the right messages should get out
(like how radical change has costs, or how we should use
external attacks to become more introspective and think
about how to learn from our own mistakes and make our corner
of the world a better place). But no matter how good the
goal, Spam and email attacks on individuals is not a good
means, and unlikely to influence them to a cause. At first I
wrote an email that explained how the scam/spam/chain-letter
worked, and told the person who sent the email to me to also
send my email to who they got it from (and to who they had
targeted it to) -- to try to anti-spam (up and down the
chain) to kill the spam/break the chain. But that still was
too much like spam/chain letter in and of itself -- it
wastes bandwidth and is as only as good as the chain of
people (and speed of their responses). A far better solution
seems to write an article explaining how this stuff works --
and then whenever someone gets this type of email, then
people can forward this URL to them and try to educate them,
and try to break the spam-chain as quickly as possible.
Original Letter (my additions/comments are indented in
Date: 5/1/99 3:41 PM
Subj: Human Rights
Please spare a minute to read this mail. Thank you. This
is a forward my dear messianic rabbi friend mailed me
yesterday. I was hoping you would read it and see if you
agree to signing it. Please just see what it reads, he is a
good man and so I wanted to include you by filling you in on
some wrong treatment of folks...
The government of Afghanistan is waging a war upon women.
The situation is getting so bad that one person in an
editorial of the Times compared the treatment of women there
to the treatment of Jews in pre-Holocaust Poland.
Which Times? New York?
L.A.? London? They don't want to put too much information
or they'll be pinned down. In pre-holocaust Poland they
were driving the Jews up into camps (Ghettos), building
walls around them, and then starving them to death. I
would hardly compare the two even if everything else said
was 100% true (which it isn't). While I don't have much
respect for the Press at large, I would doubt that most
"Times'" are that bad at editing as to let that idiotic
statement through.
Since the Taliban took power in 1996, women have had to
wear burqua and have been beaten and stoned in public for
not having the proper attire, even if this means simply not
having the mesh covering in front of their eyes. One woman
was beaten to death by an angry mob of fundamentalists for
accidentally exposing her arm while she was driving. Another
was stoned to death for trying to leave the country with a
man that was not a relative.
Always the Ad Hominem
attacks (against the culture) -- or an attack by
over-generalization. Did you know that one woman had this
or that atrocity happen? No Kidding!?! Did you know one
poor black kid was dragged to his death a couple years
ago in Texas just for just being black? Did you know that
one homosexual was murdered by a bunch of bat wielding
teens in California (and elsewhere) for the same reason?
I'm not forgiving these actions -- they are way, way
wrong -- but shit happens. No culture can stop all of
this. You shouldn't judge an entire society by a couple
of the most extreme cases -- and instead by the norm.
Most of these attacks get attention because they are not
the norm. The facts are the norm over there is pretty
bad, and deserves to be judged harshly -- this stuff is
happening -- but be careful about judging a whole culture
by the extreme actions of a few.
Women are not allowed to work or even go out in public
without a male relative; professional women such as
professors, translators, doctors, lawyers, artists and
writers have been forced from their jobs and stuffed into
their homes, so that depression is becoming so widespread
that it has reached emergency levels. There is no way in
such an extreme Islamic society to know the suicide rate
with certainty, but relief workers are estimating that the
suicide rate among women, who cannot find proper medication
and treatment for severe depression and would rather take
their lives than live in such conditions, has increased
Homes where a woman is present must have their windows
painted so that she can never be seen by outsiders. They
must wear silent shoes so that they are never heard. Women
live in fear of their lives for the slightest misbehavior.
Because they cannot work, those without male relatives or
husbands are either starving to death or begging on the
street, even if they hold Ph.D.'s.
There are almost no medical facilities available for
women, and relief workers, in protest, have mostly left the
country, taking medicine and psychologists and other things
necessary to treat the skyrocketing level of depression
among women. At one of the rare hospitals for women, a
reporter found still, nearly lifeless bodies lying
motionless on top of beds, wrapped in their burqua,
unwilling to speak, eat, or do anything, but slowly wasting
away. Others have gone mad and were seen crouched in
corners, perpetually rocking or crying, most of them in
Always the deep emotional
appeals to get people interested an so impassioned that
they stop thinking and just react. There is certainly
lots of truth to this -- but this has been going on for
many years, it isn't like this is new. The U.S. supported
the Taliban (a political party) rise to power because it
looked like the would serve U.S. interests. Ooops. What
can WE learn, and what can we change for ourselves
-- because sadly, it does little good to get angry about
things you can't affect. The Taliban sucks. They will
either moderate, be eliminated, or take themselves out of
the gene pool. About the only thing we can do is watch.
One doctor is considering, when what little medication
that is left finally runs out, leaving these, women in front
of the president's residence as a form of peaceful protest.
It is at the point where the term 'human rights violations'
has become an understatement.
No offense but all social
workers have a vested interest in making the problem as
extreme as it can be. That will get them more attention,
more money, and more influence. That isn't to say there
isn't validity to their point of views, or that things
don't really suck (they do) -- but they always exaggerate
and everything has to be on the brink of catastrophe just
to get people involved. I have never seen a quote as
saying, "No, don't send money or aide, things are getting
Husbands have the power of life and death over their
women relatives, especially their wives, but an angry mob
has just as much right to stone or beat a woman, often to
death, for exposing an inch of flesh or offending them in
the slightest way.
David Cornwell has said that those in the West should not
judge the Afghan people for such treatment because it is a
'cultural thing', but this is not true. Women enjoyed
relative freedom, to work, dress generally as they wanted,
and drive and appear in public alone until only 1996 -- the
rapidity of this transition is the main reason for the
depression and suicide; women who were once educators or
doctors or simply used to basic human freedoms are now
severely restricted and treated as subhuman in the name of
right-wing fundamentalist Islam. It is not their tradition
or 'culture', but is alien to them, and it is extreme even
for those cultures where fundamentalism is the rule.
Besides, if we could excuse everything on cultural grounds,
then we should not be appalled that the Carthaginians
sacrificed their infant children, that little girls are
circumcised in parts of Africa, that blacks in the US deep
south in the 1930s were lynched, prohibited from voting, and
forced to submit to unjust Jim Crow laws.
Who is David Cornwell? Why
no site? I found a Realtor and a few others -- none that
had any value. I agree that we can judge another country
by their behavior -- and they can judge us. But we don't
need to go back to the 30s to see things that we should
be embarrassed about. (Again, introspection and
learning). The "mob rules" and killing people for the
slightest infraction -- sounds sort of like intolerance
and gang problems in the U.S. -- maybe we could focus on
those problem.
Everyone has a right to a tolerable human existence, even
if they are women in a Muslim country in a part of the world
that Westerners may not understand. If we can threaten
military force in Kosovo in the name of human rights for the
sake of ethnic Albanians, then NATO and the West can
certainly express peaceful outrage at the oppression, murder
and injustice committed against women by the Taliban.
I agree that people should
not be persecuted. And we should offer the Women safe
passage and refugee status in the U.S. Of course they
probably would not be allowed to leave -- and I think
people would be surprised at how many would stay
voluntarily. So it is a problem that we can't do anything
about. What do you want to do? Bomb them back to the
bronze age? They are headed their on their own. Few in
that part of the world want us involved -- and would
resist us if we tried to do anything. We have no
political power over them, since the people in power
don't care about anything we could do. Our actions trying
to force change would likely only justify the fanatics
cause (in their minds) and might actually help them
consolidate more power. Expend your efforts on things
that you can change.
In signing this, we agree that the current treatment of
women in Afghanistan is completely UNACCEPTABLE and deserves
support and action by the people of the United Nations and
that the current situation in Afghanistan will not be
tolerated. Women's Rights is not a small issue anywhere and
it is UNACCEPTABLE for women in 1999 to be treated as
subhuman and so much as property. Equality and human decency
is a RIGHT not a freedom, whether one lives in Afghanistan
or anywhere else.
Attempts to make the spam
seem official, and which won't do much. Of course we
judge it unacceptable according to our cultural standards
-- what is the U.N. going to do about it? Human decency
isn't really a right, but lets not pick nits. After this
there was a long list of people. I wonder how many were
made up names, just to get the good pyramid spam started.
Basically -- no one cares. Don't waste your time (or your
friends time) by passing it on.
**** Please sign to support, and include your town and
country. Then COPY AND E-MAIL to as many people as
If you receive this list with more than 50 names on it,
please e-mail a copy of it to:
Mary Robinson, <[email protected]>
High Commissioner, UNHCHR
and to:
Angela King, <[email protected]>
Special Advisor on Gender Issues and the Advancement of
Women, UN,
Even if you decide not to sign, please be considerate and
do not kill the petition.
Thank you.
Both people actually
exist. So at least they did that much research. I was
impressed at that -- that is more than usual. And the
problem they were discussing actually exists for real --
and again, that is rare in spam/chain. But as I said, the
methods are all wrong. Email should be for private
conversations -- not a soapbox or megaphone.
So I urge the opposite of what
they recommend ("do not kill the petition") -- when you
get one of these chains/spams, not only kill the petition
(and break the chain) from your branch down, but also go
back the chain and explain the problem to people UP the
chain. Send them the URL of this article so that they can
learn. Ask them to send that information back down to all
the people they sent the first spam/chain to. Help hunt
down rogue chains, and people that are perpetuating this
garbage and educate them. That will help end this
annoying form of email from spreading then and in the
future -- and it will educate people as to what is going
on. (Both are turning a negative into a positive). If you
care about the cause, then get involved,create a website,
volunteer, or do something good -- just stop perpetuating
the bad (spam).
Email is a valuable form of
communication, as long as we can continue to use it and
not fear huge irrelevant unsolicited emails every time we
go to use it -- or that someone will target us to
functionally eradicate our accounts (by overwhelming
them) .